Honest answers only



  • RoosMommy01
    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.

    I disagree -- there can be traumatic experiences in life that change your mindset and can change your character and well-being mentally causing you to become for example a killer, rapist, CM

    I can agree with that to a certain extent. Yeah if someone ever touched my child or did anything to harm him then yes I could easily kill them without batting an eyelash. However I don't see what could possibly happen in your life that could cause you to rape someone else or something crazy like that.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    It shouldn't turn into a war....

    If you are anti - everything - thats your choice and thats how you believe and very strong minded, doesn't make them a bad person for feeling that way - as long as not the type of person to bully another ..

    However we are in a weight forum.. and the topic of your reply was 'you wasnt born that way'

    How was we all born? was we born fat? skinny? addicted to food?

    I believe in life we make choices to suit who we are,

    think of fancying the opposite sex to you theres things you like and dont like, somw guys like curvy women, some men like very slim women all different shapes and sizes, some people fancy another race from themselfs etc.
    what about if your 'type' just isnt the opposite sex? you can't help who you fall in love with.

    I had a very straight friend, and her and her best female friends had loads in common, got on brilliantly and after broken relationships they stuck by eachother and they fell in love! it happens :)

    Love makes world go round gotta love :D x

    This ^^^^ would absolutely make one lean toward the side of the argument for sexual preference being a choice without a doubt...

    However... I'm on the fence as to whether one is born that way or not... because there are definitely OBVIOUS (sometimes) differences in how a gay man or woman walks, talks, dresses, etc. It can certainly be possible that it's because of the amount of said hormone in one's body (testosterone or estrogen, specifically).

    Either way... to each his or her own... and I do hope that the rights are afforded to gay couples someday just as they are to those of us who are straight.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My thought is... and maybe I'm wrong, but I believe that people who are anti-gay struggle with their own sexuality.
    Sure, and I think Russian Roulette is unhealthy because I secretly want to play it with all my heart. I'm against walking across the Interstate 35 blindfolded so I suppose I have a secret burning desire to do this that I barely keep suppressed.

    I don't have to "hate" or be some sort of "homophobic" person to think it's an unhealthy lifestyle. If homosexuals can't help the way they feel and are "born that way" then what's the problem with people who are born thinking it's slightly disgusting for two men to .... well you know? Perhaps they can't help it or do the only feelings or natural reactions that matter come from the pro-group?

    Two willing adults can do whatever they desire. I don't picket against gay marriage but don't expect me to care or carry that burden for them. I don't see any need for me to defend their sexual choices.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm anti, because is not natural. In the animal kingdom you need a female and a male to procreate, this is as I said not bible related.

    The fact of having 'hybrids' animals doesn't mean those are homosexual, because that's the way they are, not males, not females.

    I dislike when humans want to do whatever they want regardless of mother nature showing all around how it's supposed to be. not HUMAN rules of any kind, but just the wise mother nature...

    I don't hate homosexual regardless, I just disagree it's non nature related meaning, but I let people be as long as they let me be too.

    It's as much honest as i can get, so if you re gay out there, i don;t hate you or anything, i just don't like it, but I respect it.

    Oh and since minorities always complain people must understand their postures, make marches and become victims, same for them, if they say they are fighting to be accepted, why don;t they make an example and accept not being accepted? Minorities or majorities way is not the rule where everyone must change to :). We are all so different so just accept each other point of view.
    Again, you are incorrect. Homosexuality and bisexuality are found in nature in over 1500 different species.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    To all of the people out there throwing out The Bible I just have a couple things to say. First is Love Thy Neighbor! I also want to point out that in The Bible it states that your body is a temple and you are supposed to take care of it and yet look at where you are... You are on a fitness website because you were gluttonous and became somewhat overweight or obese. Some of you probably even smoke, drink, starve yourselves to become thinner, steal, swear, say the Lords name in vain or worse. But hey Guess what we are forgiven even though we suck as a human race. Stop passing out judgement and learn to love the world. Get off your high horses for one moment and realize that no one is perfect but God! Thanks :-)

    This is a big reason why christianity gets labeled a hypocrite. Instead of reaching out, showing what God can do, you get preached at for our "sinful" actions and told what not to do. Everything we've been doing in our lives is "gluttonous" or "greedy" etc.

    I grew up going to Church, I read out of the bible every Sunday, I know what it says. Whether I chose to believe it is another. Labeling us all for our actions according to your religion is not spreading the word of God.
  • RoosMommy01
    Seriously? this is a fitness website. Use it for what it's made for. geez. FYI, pro-gay.

    We aren't in the weight loss section though. :happy: This is chit-chat, fun and games.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    To all of the people out there throwing out The Bible I just have a couple things to say. First is Love Thy Neighbor! I also want to point out that in The Bible it states that your body is a temple and you are supposed to take care of it and yet look at where you are... You are on a fitness website because you were gluttonous and became somewhat overweight or obese. Some of you probably even smoke, drink, starve yourselves to become thinner, steal, swear, say the Lords name in vain or worse. But hey Guess what we are forgiven even though we suck as a human race. Stop passing out judgement and learn to love the world. Get off your high horses for one moment and realize that no one is perfect but God! Thanks :-)

    We're not all on a high horse.
  • casnic25
    casnic25 Posts: 81
    Ok personally it's not welcome in my life. If others want to do it, then I couldn't give a single *kitten*. I believe in the bible but I don't go around coining up phrases like anti-muslim, anti-catholic, or other stuff just because people believe and act different than me.
    THANK YOU!!!! I feel the same way. I have gay family members .... but we don't hang out or talk daily and when they do come around....I love them the more..Just don't approve of their lifestyle...same thing if they were a pimp or prostitute, gang-banger or drug dealer...I choose to love the sinner but hate the sin and there's nothing wrong with that. Its the same way you choose your friends...just because you choose not to hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean you are ANTI-anything....

    How can you compare loving someone to being a pimp, prostitute, gang-banger, or drug dealer? Last time I checked gluttony was considered a sin. There is so many things that are sins, but loving is not a sin.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Seriously? this is a fitness website. Use it for what it's made for. geez. FYI, pro-gay.
    This is the Chit-chat forum. This is what it's made for.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    Seriously? this is a fitness website. Use it for what it's made for. geez. FYI, pro-gay.

    We aren't in the weight loss section though. :happy: This is chit-chat, fun and games.

    I hope nobody minds that I'm focusing on the fun part.
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    I am a christian, and I'm glad to say that life has opened my eyes. When I was young, I thought it (being gay) was very wrong (I was raised that way). I grew up in a very rural community. Then, when I went to college, I met many people who became wonderful friends--several were gay. I realized that I loved these people regardless of their sexual orientation. I've also learned what a struggle it is for several people to "be gay." That's not what many of them WANT; it's how they are.

    As for whether or not people are born straight or gay...I'm still a bit confused. I used to always say, "They were born that way." However, through life's experiences, I've found out that several gay people have been abused in the past....not sure if there's is a direct correlation there, but it does make me wonder.

    All in all, I respect people....for being people. It's not about being gay or straight. It's about being a good person, a good parent, a good spouse/partner. I've seen same-sex couples who have raised children, and I don't see anything wrong with those children... Those who claim they can't be good parents sound insane to me--especially seeing on the news these (heterosexual) parents who murder their children. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing heterosexual couples; I'm merely pointing out that out for those who thing heterosexual parenting=the best parenting.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    ok I'm done for now. I'll check back tonight when I'm sure it will be all out war in here. Good luck yall. Totally straight Christian Conservative gun owning republican here by the way. But as usual, i don't care.
  • RoosMommy01
    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.
    How so?
    Comparing someone's sexuality to being a violent criminal doesn't seem offensive to you? OK... You're comparing sexuality to some things that I think we can all agree are morally wrong. Being gay is not a crime and it doesn't hurt people, like murder and rape obviously do.

    Secondly you are saying that murderers, rapists, and child molesters can't help themselves. In that case they shouldn't be held responsible for their actions. Hey, that guy isn't bad; he didn't WANT to beat someone to death, he had no choice!

    Ok I wasn't trying to compare sexuality to violent crimes. I guess it doesn't sound right the way I put it. I was just trying to give other examples of being born a certain way. There is a part of me that does think rapist and child molesters can't help themselves but they should definitely be held responsible for their actions.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.

    I disagree -- there can be traumatic experiences in life that change your mindset and can change your character and well-being mentally causing you to become for example a killer, rapist, CM

    I can agree with that to a certain extent. Yeah if someone ever touched my child or did anything to harm him then yes I could easily kill them without batting an eyelash. However I don't see what could possibly happen in your life that could cause you to rape someone else or something crazy like that.

    I'm not really an expert on this stuff, but I've seen a lot of documentaries about criminals and many have explained that these serious criminals are psychopaths, which is essentially a "personality disorder" (not 100% medically confirmed) that, for criminals, often lack guilt, empathy, and are typically manipulative. Anyway, that's just how I justify someone being able harm to someone.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.
    How so?
    Comparing someone's sexuality to being a violent criminal doesn't seem offensive to you? OK... You're comparing sexuality to some things that I think we can all agree are morally wrong. Being gay is not a crime and it doesn't hurt people, like murder and rape obviously do.

    Secondly you are saying that murderers, rapists, and child molesters can't help themselves. In that case they shouldn't be held responsible for their actions. Hey, that guy isn't bad; he didn't WANT to beat someone to death, he had no choice!

    Ok I wasn't trying to compare sexuality to violent crimes. I guess it doesn't sound right the way I put it. I was just trying to give other examples of being born a certain way. There is a part of me that does think rapist and child molesters can't help themselves but they should definitely be held responsible for their actions.
    I can't agree with that idea at all. If you can't help something then by definition you aren't responsible for it. I think it's disgusting to say that a rapist can't help themselves. They make choices that hurt people. Yes there are some people who are severely mentally ill and commit violent acts because they can't help it, but that is the exception.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you.
    I know you don't mean it that way but that's incredibly offensive.

    I disagree -- there can be traumatic experiences in life that change your mindset and can change your character and well-being mentally causing you to become for example a killer, rapist, CM

    I can agree with that to a certain extent. Yeah if someone ever touched my child or did anything to harm him then yes I could easily kill them without batting an eyelash. However I don't see what could possibly happen in your life that could cause you to rape someone else or something crazy like that.

    It is caused by more than just someone "hurting your kid" I'm talking seeing a murder or being victim of a rape and wanting revenge. It has and will continue to happen. It's psychology. Not everyone will turn that way but yes possible for characteristics to change.

    There are "factors" that can set people off, upbringings and what not.

    As for being born gay or straight - I think that could also change, I have seen it. I honestly don't care either way if someone is gay or straight or bi or w/e they are.
  • getfine2015
    getfine2015 Posts: 155 Member

    no but there are pleanty stats on families with kids that grow up without a mother or a father.

    Back in the day, a family was expected to have a man and a woman so that the 'gender roles' could be assigned. Guess what: we don't have traditional gender roles anymore! Women are not expected to sit at home and quilt blankets and have supper on the table when their men come home, and men aren't expected to be the only bread winner.

    I was raised in a house without a father and I turned out JUST FINE. I'm in a loving, 4-year relationship, I'm a nurse, I adopt animals! I'm educated, intelligent, and I know how to change my own oil and change the tires on my car.

    Being a good parent is ALL about what you put into it. If the parent is attentive, caring and hardworking, then the child will see that. Gay, straight, single, married, it doesn't matter. It's foolish to think that a baby is going to pop out of the womb, see two men standing over it, and then flip from "Normal" to "Psychopath mode"

    I have gay family members .... but we don't hang out or talk daily and when they do come around....I love them the more..Just don't approve of their lifestyle...same thing if they were a pimp or prostitute, gang-banger or drug dealer...I choose to love the sinner but hate the sin and there's nothing wrong with that. Its the same way you choose your friends...just because you choose not to hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean you are ANTI-anything....

    It's not the same thing. At all. A gang banger is someone who trolls the street, causing trouble, HURTING people, stealing, etc. A gay person is someone who just happened to fall in love with another gay person. How is that even on the same level?

    Im not debating weather a gang banger or a gay person are the same...If you look back there are examples of ppl I CHOOSE not to socialize with...I can Love you but not like what you about...thats all..
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    " I dont understand how a guy can lay on the beach and look at another guys hairy azz and say, Oh yeah! I gotta have that. I aint leaving the beach until I see him!! --- Andrew Dice Clay

    Ahhh- but a man can look at a fat woman with all her rolls- and say "I want me some of that" (ie: chubby chasers). To each their own.

    Regarding the bible- for those who use that as their reasoning- please tell me why you pick and choose what to follow? Have you eaten shrimp ever? If so per the bible it is an abomination. You are not allowed to talk to a woman who is on her cycle- or it is an abominiation.

    Actually homosexuality is natural- do your research. Penguins have extreme homosexual tendancies.

    Regarding children being raised by gay men and woman- check out this link of Zach Wahl's.

    Extremely well spoken gentleman.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member

    no but there are pleanty stats on families with kids that grow up without a mother or a father.

    Back in the day, a family was expected to have a man and a woman so that the 'gender roles' could be assigned. Guess what: we don't have traditional gender roles anymore! Women are not expected to sit at home and quilt blankets and have supper on the table when their men come home, and men aren't expected to be the only bread winner.

    I was raised in a house without a father and I turned out JUST FINE. I'm in a loving, 4-year relationship, I'm a nurse, I adopt animals! I'm educated, intelligent, and I know how to change my own oil and change the tires on my car.

    Being a good parent is ALL about what you put into it. If the parent is attentive, caring and hardworking, then the child will see that. Gay, straight, single, married, it doesn't matter. It's foolish to think that a baby is going to pop out of the womb, see two men standing over it, and then flip from "Normal" to "Psychopath mode"

    I have gay family members .... but we don't hang out or talk daily and when they do come around....I love them the more..Just don't approve of their lifestyle...same thing if they were a pimp or prostitute, gang-banger or drug dealer...I choose to love the sinner but hate the sin and there's nothing wrong with that. Its the same way you choose your friends...just because you choose not to hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean you are ANTI-anything....

    It's not the same thing. At all. A gang banger is someone who trolls the street, causing trouble, HURTING people, stealing, etc. A gay person is someone who just happened to fall in love with another gay person. How is that even on the same level?

    Im not debating weather a gang banger or a gay person are the same...If you look back there are examples of ppl I CHOOSE not to socialize with...I can Love you but not like what you about...thats all..
    You said before that not hanging out with gay people doesn't make you anti-gay. Then why post about it in a thread asking about why people are anti-gay? No one singled you out and said you were.
  • Ericgunner
    Ericgunner Posts: 109
    Live and let live life is too short, so whatever makes you happy is okay by me.
This discussion has been closed.