Honest answers only



  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    There's plenty of derogitory names for gay people, but are there any for straight people?
    Think about it.
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Maybe we should let this thread die out..

    everyone so strong minded and think op kinda got answer somewhere in here... we are all good people threas like this can cause hate in the whole forum if you see someone around who said something you didnt like.

    now all shake hands and say goodbye

    Um no. If you don't like it then feel free to leave, ,but you're not in charge of when we end the discussion.

    Okay, I will.. I just didn't want everyone fighting over something that is one of those topics that gets everyone fighting, if people see eachother on other threads can cause problems... i just thought before gets out of hand and people get banned for being rude and ruining there time on mfp.

    take care x
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    There's plenty of derogitory names for gay people, but are there any for straight people?
    Think about it.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    There's plenty of derogitory names for gay people, but are there any for straight people?
    Think about it.

    oh come on meaner
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    As someone who is a proud Christian and believes in the Bible - I am still not anti-gay. I stand proud in the statement that I love everyone, and so does God. I am really getting sick of so called "Christians" that push hatred towards people who sin. HELLO... we all do it. I have a son out of wedlock, that's a no-no in our religion. I don't hate anyone and am not anti-anyone.
    People just need to realize that their **** smells too!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    There's plenty of derogitory names for gay people, but are there any for straight people?
    Think about it.
    oh come on meaner
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I took this statement off of a friend's status update and would really like some answers. I'm not trying to start a war but am interested to see what people will say..so here goes; "If you are anti-gay I want to know why, other than, "it's in the Bible"?

    it can also harm the norm of a family where a child is raised by either two men or two women... the amount of abuse that child could receive is unfair, and it is hard for any child to not have a balance of having both a mom and a dad... just an honest answer.

    I was going to stay out of this topic because I accept that you just cannot change a persons mind, especially on a forum, but this comment made my knee jerk so hard I practically gave myself a black eye. There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to prove that a child of a gay couple is more susceptible to abuse than a child of a straight couple. And as someone who has, briefly, worked in the child care field I can tell you that I saw PLENTY of straight people abusing their children.

    Also, let's remember that any old straight couple could have a kid: a single one night stand and oops! She's pregnant and he's pissed and she knows her parents will kick her out if she comes home with a baby so now there's a child born into this world who gets left in a box at a fire station. Meanwhile, that gay couple who has been together for 17 years has put in another application to adopt and has been denied.

    I'm not saying that ALL straight couples are bad parents and that ALL gay couples are good parents. What I'm saying is: there are good and bad parents of ALL orientations and being a good parent has nothing to do with what you do in the bedroom and EVERYTHING to do with how you treat your children.

    Also, the 'balance' idea is complete BS. This is 2012, there are plenty of good, well-adjusted kids being raised in single-parent households nowadays (raises hand) and if one woman can do it by herself, then 2 men or 2 women can do just as good a job.

    I think he meant abused by other kids, not the parents. I hope that's what he meant.
  • sofakingawesome69
    The beauty of our planet is you can feel how you want about anything. As long as you don't hurt anyone for who they are, who cares?? Live and Let Live..
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Maybe we should let this thread die out..

    everyone so strong minded and think op kinda got answer somewhere in here... we are all good people threas like this can cause hate in the whole forum if you see someone around who said something you didnt like.

    now all shake hands and say goodbye

    Um no. If you don't like it then feel free to leave, ,but you're not in charge of when we end the discussion.

    but you are in charge of those who are not in charge? ahhhh....LOL
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    I have gay family members .... but we don't hang out or talk daily and when they do come around....I love them the more..Just don't approve of their lifestyle...same thing if they were a pimp or prostitute, gang-banger or drug dealer...I choose to love the sinner but hate the sin and there's nothing wrong with that. Its the same way you choose your friends...just because you choose not to hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean you are ANTI-anything....

    Wow! So falling in love with someone of the same sex puts them in the same category as ” pimps, prostitutes. Gang bangers and drug dealers”

    Wow....just wow.... Some of the most positive, kind and law abiding people I know are gay.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Maybe we should let this thread die out..

    everyone so strong minded and think op kinda got answer somewhere in here... we are all good people threas like this can cause hate in the whole forum if you see someone around who said something you didnt like.

    now all shake hands and say goodbye

    Um no. If you don't like it then feel free to leave, ,but you're not in charge of when we end the discussion.

    but you are in charge of those who are not in charge? ahhhh....LOL
    Yes, yes I am.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member

    no but there are pleanty stats on families with kids that grow up without a mother or a father.

    Back in the day, a family was expected to have a man and a woman so that the 'gender roles' could be assigned. Guess what: we don't have traditional gender roles anymore! Women are not expected to sit at home and quilt blankets and have supper on the table when their men come home, and men aren't expected to be the only bread winner.

    I was raised in a house without a father and I turned out JUST FINE. I'm in a loving, 4-year relationship, I'm a nurse, I adopt animals! I'm educated, intelligent, and I know how to change my own oil and change the tires on my car.

    Being a good parent is ALL about what you put into it. If the parent is attentive, caring and hardworking, then the child will see that. Gay, straight, single, married, it doesn't matter. It's foolish to think that a baby is going to pop out of the womb, see two men standing over it, and then flip from "Normal" to "Psychopath mode"

    I have gay family members .... but we don't hang out or talk daily and when they do come around....I love them the more..Just don't approve of their lifestyle...same thing if they were a pimp or prostitute, gang-banger or drug dealer...I choose to love the sinner but hate the sin and there's nothing wrong with that. Its the same way you choose your friends...just because you choose not to hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean you are ANTI-anything....

    It's not the same thing. At all. A gang banger is someone who trolls the street, causing trouble, HURTING people, stealing, etc. A gay person is someone who just happened to fall in love with another gay person. How is that even on the same level?
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    My thought is... and maybe I'm wrong, but I believe that people who are anti-gay struggle with their own sexuality. They are afraid about "turning" gay. Life is a "Do it yourself" thing, and everyone has the right to be happy.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    There's plenty of derogitory names for gay people, but are there any for straight people?
    Think about it.
    oh come on meaner

    oh how is republican derogitory. Republicans are awesome. well one or two of them anyway.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I have gay family members .... but we don't hang out or talk daily and when they do come around....I love them the more..Just don't approve of their lifestyle...same thing if they were a pimp or prostitute, gang-banger or drug dealer...I choose to love the sinner but hate the sin and there's nothing wrong with that. Its the same way you choose your friends...just because you choose not to hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean you are ANTI-anything....

    If you choose not to hang out with a crowd, you are sending a message that you don't approve. That meanes that yes, you are "anti" that crowd. You don't approve of people in gangs for good reason. You don't approve of pimps and prostitutes and drug dealers for good reason. They are a danger to themselves and others, not to mention all of them criminals.

    Being gay is not dangerous or harmful. And for that matter, it's not "wrong". Why would you equate gay folks to criminals?
  • RoosMommy01
    Thanks to everyone who took the time out to answer. Like I said earlier I just wanted to see what all people had to say without quoting the bible.

    As for me, I do think you are born gay or straight. Just like I think you are born a killer, rapist, child molester or what have you. I don't think you just wake up one day and decide to go out and kill someone. It's in you from the day you were born! My husband has a cousin who is gay but he was married to a lady for 10 years and had 3 kids with her. They finally divorced and he moved on with a guy. He will tell you that he was miserable through the whole marriage but only stayed because he was so scared to come out to his family and admit he was gay. Now he is happy as can be so no I don't think it's a choice. You choice to hid it but that's about it.
  • SenshiV
    SenshiV Posts: 131 Member
    It clearly say not bible related.

    I'm anti, because is not natural. In the animal kingdom you need a female and a male to procreate, this is as I said not bible related.

    The fact of having 'hybrids' animals doesn't mean those are homosexual, because that's the way they are, not males, not females.

    I dislike when humans want to do whatever they want regardless of mother nature showing all around how it's supposed to be. not HUMAN rules of any kind, but just the wise mother nature...

    I don't hate homosexual regardless, I just disagree it's non nature related meaning, but I let people be as long as they let me be too.

    It's as much honest as i can get, so if you re gay out there, i don;t hate you or anything, i just don't like it, but I respect it.

    Oh and since minorities always complain people must understand their postures, make marches and become victims, same for them, if they say they are fighting to be accepted, why don;t they make an example and accept not being accepted? Minorities or majorities way is not the rule where everyone must change to :). We are all so different so just accept each other point of view.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    People who are "anti" anything are the ones with the problem.
    Nobody gets to select their sexuality.
    Accept the cards you have been dealt and BUTT OUT of other people's lives.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    it can also harm the norm of a family where a child is raised by either two men or two women... the amount of abuse that child could receive is unfair, and it is hard for any child to not have a balance of having both a mom and a dad... just an honest answer.

    Not for nothing, but you can have a "family" without children. Not everyone wants kids, so what about homosexual couples who just want to be together because they love each other, but don't ever plan on adopting children?
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything

    How would you know it's not natural?
This discussion has been closed.