mrsSebastian Member


  • I started using myfitnesspal prob 3 years ago it took me almost two years to get from 207 to 140 I wasn't as dedicated at first and took me awhile to really start seeing changing to get more motivated I was 5 lbs away from my ultimate goal when I fell on ice and busted up my knees almost a year layed in back around 175…
  • feel free to add me , my fiance is also on here hes a big gamer never used to work out now he actually loves to work out and gets excited about it.
  • hello i my name is jessica i just started using the app yesterday on my iphone so far i like it,id like to have a few friends to add to help keep me motivated. id like to lose atleast 30 pounds ,im planning on getting married in the next year and id like to buy a smaller size dress.