mdmorgan25 Member


  • Im using an UP24
  • Hi, I am 42 and have lost 60 lbs overall. That has taken me about 2 years, but I wasn't always dieting and exercising in those 2 years. I started with a meal replacement diet through my doctor's office. I lost about 50 lbs, stopped doing the diet because I hated not eating real food and gained some but not all of it back.…
  • My son is a college athlete. I had a lot of trouble with my feet when I started working out and he told me to get a tennis ball to stretch my feet. His rationale is simple, there are muscles in your feet that are being worked too. Anyway, I started using it and it cured the pain in my feet. All you do is roll the ball…
  • Try this calculator and then enter manually.
    in Zumba Comment by mdmorgan25 October 2012
  • Hi Meredith! That's my name too! :) I wasn't having much success with WW and decided to try MFP since it was FREE! I was doing WW on line and my weight wasn't really moving. I logged my last day of WW into MFP and found that although I was sticking to my points allowance I was very high on carbs and sugars. I would not…
  • Any time you make a big change in your life there are doubts...job, move, diet, whatever! I say if YOU feel you will feel better and be healthier at a lower weight then go for it! It won't be long before you husband sees the changes and will most likely compliment you on them. The big thing here is that a lifestyle change…
  • Go Blue! Livonia, MI here.
  • No. I will post what I want when I want about this journey. Don't want it done for me.
  • Cutting down the next few days is like saying you are going to catch up on sleep. It doesn't work. Once you're past that day, it is just that...the past. Just start fresh the next day. We all have a bad day once in a while.
  • Now this is funny! My name is Meredith and my last name is Morgan.....:)
  • Hi! I just had my gallbladder out in June. It was the best thing I ever did! I believe it was keeping me from losing weight because it wasn't even working. My suggestion would be to try taking a probiotic. I started taking one before I had my surgery and it helped with the digestive issues I was having. My gallbladder…
  • 5'11" tall for a girl....I guess! :0
  • I used WW for about a year before recently discovering MFP. I was only doing the on line program because I don't need the support of meetings. I was paying $18/month! I had been moving between the same five pounds for the last several months on WW after losing about 25 pounds pretty quickly. I even manually reduced my…