

  • I don't think anybody who binge eats lacks willpower or self control. If it was just a matter of wanting to change then we would all be acting in in accordance with our wishes. I know for me personally that it was deprivation and weight loss dieting that started off my binge eating disorder, so it was changing my thoughts…
  • I think one of the issues is that for many, a weight loss diet is connected to deprivation and eating foods they do not like, just because they are low calorie. A healthy, moderate and sustainable way of eating is very different to a low calorie diet where food is feared and pitted as the enemy. It is more beneficial to…
  • Hands up from another fat, hairy and hormonal girl:)
  • Rode 20km for the first time on my bike today. I usually only do about 10km and feel really great. I like to represent all the fat people out there who exercise because they love it. It's not just about losing weight, it's about doing something our bodies appreciate because it keeps our hearts healthy and our joints strong.
  • Baking tofu in the oven is my favourite way. I don't have specific recipes but any spices you like and sauces can be put on cubes of raw tofu and baked in the oven. My very fussy son just loves it slathered in bbq sauce and then baked. The combinations are endless.
  • At the moment I am planning to log everything I eat, even unplanned stuff. I am not planning on having cheat days as such but I going to a birthday tea this afternoon and know that I may have food that I wouldn't normally have at home. Having said that, what I think of as a cheat day is different than if I were to have an…
  • Oh maudy, that looks amazing. I love substitutes like this, not just for the sake of calories, but changing up nutrition. Cauliflower is so yummy already and there are so many amazing uses for veggies that we don't think of. Thanks for posting this.