a little frustrated with the word diet! Rant (sorry)

Definition: to select or limit the food one eats to improve one's physical condition or to lose weight.
:grumble: I have lost a lot of weight and can tell you I didn't go on a diet! I CHANGED MY WAY OF LIFE!!!! :happy: Not only did I change the foods and amounts I ate, but I have had to change my activity level. For me it has been 18 months since I made these changesand a lot of hard work. I have a lot of friends or coworkers who ask me for advice then say "well I could never count calories or go to the gym tht much.....I just try this or that diet" Really and how did that work for you last time? :noway: Now don't get me wrong I am not saying that MY way is the only way, but really if your asking me for advice please don't just dismiss my hard work like it wasn't necessary!!!! :sad:
Sorry I just needed to rant to people who are making the changes and doing the hard work too! Thanks you people are all wonderful! :heart:


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    lol Completely understand, and agree (as evidenced by my topic earlier.)

    You've done - and are doing - the work. Be proud of it. Especially because you're far more likely to keep it off than if you'd been on a diet!:flowerforyou:
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    My family will always say "Why are you dieting?" or "haha she's eating broccoli!". Yes I am eating broccoli vs. your fried chicken. It's the smarter choice :) I make healthier choices and I don't deprive myself, that's called control of my diet (as in eating habit).

    What works for you is what works for you. Forget everyone else, you're better than that!

    Best of luck to you :)

    *good vibes*
  • thelassiemickyjames
    OMG! I agree with you 100%. This is no diet! Portion control should be a normal part of everyones lives!
  • thelassiemickyjames
    OMG! I agree with you 100%. This is no diet! Portion control should be a normal part of everyones lives!
  • Aitenev
    Aitenev Posts: 62
    I soooo agree with you. This is a lifestyle change for me. If it's going to work and if I'm going to maintain this weight loss, it has to be something that I can "live" with for the rest of my life. Great post!
  • nubreeze33
    I appreciate you feeling comfortable to come here and share your vent because sometimes we just need to. You are right to come to a place where we understand. I am 40 years old and in my lifetime i've seen many people with great success but I guess it just wasn't my time to be serious. So I appreciate the grace of those who watched me in all my unhealthy choices now show me love and appreciation. People will probe you and ask tons of questions they really don't want the answers to. We live in a microwave world where everything is quick and easy but the truth is being healthy and fit is everything but quick and easy and when it is it's not healthy, we saw what happened to the phen phen phase. It takes hard work that some are just not ready for. Congratulations on your success lady and be encouraged........we know the truth about dieting and because of that i'm grateful.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I have come to the conclusion that being able to change your lifestyle is kinda like quitting smoking... No one likes to be a smoker... or likes to be over weight. It is a matter of having the willpower to change these things and let go of the things you think you have to have in your life. You will not quit smoking until you are ready and you will not stop eating crap until you are ready...
  • nubreeze33
    I have come to the conclusion that being able to change your lifestyle is kinda like quitting smoking... No one likes to be a smoker... or likes to be over weight. It is a matter of having the willpower to change these things and let go of the things you think you have to have in your life. You will not quit smoking until you are ready and you will not stop eating crap until you are ready...

    I love that! Thank you!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I agree, which is why I get peeved about "cheat days". If this is a lifestyle change, there should be no "good days" or "cheat days" it should just be living. I still don't get that mentality. It's like being a smoker, saying you've quit, but still puffing 2 packs one day a week. I wouldn't consider them a non-smoker. (sigh) I Hate the word diet but to explain to others what I am trying to do would take too long so I am at a loss of what else to say when people say "oh, you look great, what have you been doing?" There are not enough hours in the day to answer that question so I normally boil it down to "I have modified my diet, but it's not like a diet, diet." Bring on the confusion. :wink:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I use the word diet because it's what we use in the medical community where I live. Example: I may ask a patient what constitutes their daily diet.

    Diet is also the intake of your food. But I think there's a difference on what I'm saying and you talking about dieting to lose weight
  • sassyfied
    I think one of the issues is that for many, a weight loss diet is connected to deprivation and eating foods they do not like, just because they are low calorie.

    A healthy, moderate and sustainable way of eating is very different to a low calorie diet where food is feared and pitted as the enemy. It is more beneficial to shift the focus from what you can't have, to concentrating on nutritionally and energy rich food and body movement born out of self love and health.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    My husband told me he wanted pizza tonight. And then he asked me if I could have that on my "diet". I told him, "DON'T CALL IT THAT. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle!" He actually laughed at me and then said, "I like that much better! I'm glad you're not on a diet!"

    And yes we did have pizza.
  • Lstrode
    Lstrode Posts: 51
    My husband told me he wanted pizza tonight. And then he asked me if I could have that on my "diet". I told him, "DON'T CALL IT THAT. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle!" He actually laughed at me and then said, "I like that much better! I'm glad you're not on a diet!"

    And yes we did have pizza.

    I like that! My husband and I LOVE pizza. And this time, I'm serious enough about changing myself to do the work. I'm up off my rear exercising almost daily. I have started to eat smaller portions. And I don't consider this a "diet" either. I'm eating foods that are healthier choices than before, smaller portions, and less sugary junk. But if I really want something, I'm not going to deprive myself, or else I'll binge on it later and hate myself. We had pizza last week. I had 2 pieces (less than usual) and 3 small bread/cheese sticks. I chose the shorter ones from the end. and I felt FULL !!! I'd normally eat more. And the next day, I let him and my daughter have the left overs. I didn't touch them!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    My family will always say "Why are you dieting?" or "haha she's eating broccoli!". Yes I am eating broccoli vs. your fried chicken. It's the smarter choice :) I make healthier choices and I don't deprive myself, that's called control of my diet (as in eating habit).

    What works for you is what works for you. Forget everyone else, you're better than that!

    Best of luck to you :)

    *good vibes*

    My mother is guilty of the same thing. I love her to death but any time I try to eat healthier she teases me mercilessly about it. A year ago, I had dropped 20 lbs and was eating super healthy (lots of fruits and vegetables). Well, for a week I was getting horrible dizzy spells and I couldn't figure out why (not from lack of calories...I was eating plenty of protein and nuts). I told my mom about it and her very first reaction was "you need to eat more candy. Go to the store and buy a milky way." As it turns out, it was due to too much iron in my system. My daily spinach, strawberries, and multivitamin intakes were resulting in me getting almost three times the amount of iron that I should have been getting. Anyways, the point is, any time I'm upset or I don't feel well she practically shovels food down my throat. It's so bad she even teases me for getting my mocha's with fat free milk ("How can you drink that? Mine is so much better because it's creamy and delicious. Mmmm...") And yet she wonders why she is 240 lbs and gaining. She's constantly on some stupid fad diet. She always starts on a Monday (which means she has to eat all of the junk food in the house before Monday rolls around) then she stays on the diet for about 3 days before going on a fast food binge. And she has the audacity to ask me what my miracle secret is to my losing almost 100 lbs after leaving her house. Hmmm...could it be the non-fat mocha's?!?! Sorry, I kind of went off on my own little rant there...
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    I HATE the word Diet! grrrrr
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    More than I hate the word diet, I hate that I have to USE it!!

    I hate that people who aren't watching what they eat constantly point out what I am eating. If I eat cake, I'm judged, if I eat broccoli then they look at me like I have two heads.

    And God forbid, if someone uses the word 'DIET' my grandmother automatically starts talking about Oprah :laugh: