vegbear Member


  • firefly72--truth--"Diet for weight loss (calories in<calories out) Cardio for heart, lung and mental health (plus gives a few more calories to eat) Strength training for bone health and to look as good as possible with the weight loss"
  • Yes those are both big factors that I am personally working on (not related to food but affect how and why I eat) I don't eat for hunger usually..which is a problem and I THOUGHT that if I tuned in to my body to find out when I REALLY was hungry and eat then that the weight would go away since I am working out 5x week..but…
  • --You are correct I have not developed habits will that help me take off the weight and keep it off. The only healthy habit that is consistent is my working out (and not light and fluffy stuff, sweaty gnarly workouts) but I obviously am outeating my workouts. This all boils down to nutrition and better eating. Since…
  • The point is..I want to get rid of my big girl you are right to a point, when you add emotion to food though its a whole other ball game
  • Thanks all! I agree....though I guess i was hesitant to internalize it. Due to the fact that I do often eat out of emotion...I need something more concrete until I resolve my issues with food (which I am working on) will give CC another go and work on nutrition!
  • Mamapeach! Yes totally can change my self talk....a tool not jail..totally get that! Thanks for that.. and LOL heerspoons..I am beginning to see that point all too well! :)
  • My husband also in the military left for a year in Sept. I thought the same thing-now that he is not around I can finally get it together and get skinny ;) nope! I actually gained 5 pounds already! Its got to stop and I am done being a Fat you know what so.....I am over it....and ready to get fit!