Military Wife/ Using Deployment as the "reason to diet"

My husband left in June for a 9 month deployment...
Being a military wife, I have many other military wife friends, and the general "thing to do" when the spouse goes on deployment is diet/ get healthy/ look smoking hot... blah blah, by the time your husband gets home.

Its worked for many friends, and I've watched them have total transformations... and I commend them for that.

Problem is ... It seemed to have the OPPOSITE affect on me....

I was already getting healthy, and exercising daily, and learning HOW to eat and what types of foods and how often BEFORE he left. In fact, I've convinced him to eat clean, and now he hates boat life and the crap they eat! lol
I didn't want to give him something to come home to, I wanted to give him something to remember when he left. (Not that it matters lol because he is 100% supportive in EVERYTHING I do, and loves the way I look) It's my issue, not his. And I recently had our final baby and was ready to just get healthy and back to me.

Him being gone seemed to crash all of that... instead of helping it! I was on this great path, doing every thing right, and when he left, I went into a type of depression... and the damn thing lasted 3 months!!! I feel like I just kinda spun out of control for a bit there...still ate healthy, but quit exercising, and caring AS MUCH... and I am finally settling back into my normal way of life, what I was doing before he left.

Just wondering if anyone else out there had this happen? Most of my friends started their 'journey' the second their husband left, and did great! Right off the bat.... lost 50 lbs by the time he came home... and feel great!! And I'm happy they did, but It doesn't seem to be that way with me. :( I was doing better BEFORE he left! lol
What was your experience??


  • vegbear
    vegbear Posts: 8 Member
    My husband also in the military left for a year in Sept. I thought the same thing-now that he is not around I can finally get it together and get skinny ;) nope! I actually gained 5 pounds already!
    Its got to stop and I am done being a Fat you know what so.....I am over it....and ready to get fit!
  • ohmelgosh79
    ohmelgosh79 Posts: 118 Member
    Deployments are hard regardless of how many times you've been through it. Each deployment catches us at different stages in our lives and it takes some adjusting. They're emotionally draining and you've just had a baby, which is an emotional rollercoaster as well. I wouldn't compare your progress to any of the other wives, everyone deals with the military lifestyle in different ways. I was 2500 miles away from my nearest family member when I had my daughter and living the military life and it was hard. Each time he went somewhere it was hard but I eventually found ways to "find myself" while he was gone and things got a lot better. I made sure I walked every evening after dinner. If I started feeling like I needed to snack after my daughter was in bed and I was watching tv, I got up and did some sort of exercise until the next commercial break. I joined a playgroup on base and got myself out and about and within 2 months, I had lost 30 lbs. Just be patient with yourself, you'll find your groove.