

  • I love this. This reminds me of something my fifth grade teacher said (yes I will never forget it!) Smile as soon as you wake up. It will make the day wonderful. I really feel like it puts you in that great mindset. Positive thoughts turn into postive actions which lead to positive outcomes.
  • Do you switch things up while exercising? I know the body can get used to do the same things over and over and it is a great idea to throw a few curveballs in there. Also, switching up what you eat can help. Still think healthy just venture out of the regular routine. And rememberrrrr muscle weighs more than fat! I'd go by…
  • Everyone's tricks are aesome ideas and pretty much exactly what I do as well! I've found that if I go straight from work it is way easier and once you get used to going you do start feeling guilty if you don't go. Another thing I've done is found a couple gym buddies and we make set plans to meet after work on certain days…
  • I'm the same way and it feels so good!
  • Oh I have the box right in front of my face LOL but I was just trying to convert 14g to 2 tsps.. Thanks for all the help! (also, I know that it contains high volumes of sat fat, cholesterol thats why I used a very small portion to basically "grease" the pan for a semi healthy grilled cheese. Need to get to the market STAT…
  • @jsecret that is what we call moderation! good for you :)
  • low cal foods trick you into thinking its ok but you really need to check out the other nutriton levels like carbs, sugar, sodium, etc. Just like with lean cuisines...they are low cal but some of the carb/sugar values are thru the roof. Be smart guys and remember MODERATION is key :)
  • First and foremost I am the mommy to a beautiful 2 y.o pitbull named Elle. More than full-time I am a nanny of two boys, 6 and 2. Working on the becoming a wife thing :)
  • All of your post have made me feel SANE! Thank you! I've been really good at avoiding that pumpkin cake and all the other TRASH lol unfortuantely i can't throw those things out because I am a nanny and other people eat it. Maybe I'll just hide it during the day :) All of what you guys have said have really made me realize…
  • Absoloutely love your positivity! I'm going to learn from that :) Thanks!
  • I am very interested to learn more about shakeology and to participate in the challenge. Any info would be very helpful! Thanks!!