

  • Oh its fab :) im on day 5 now :) already seeing inches off my waist,,,but not logging it until day 7 :) doing a weekly weight in :) xx
  • Thanks :) I finished day 4 today and found it a little easier. Im hoping by day 6 or 7 that i dont have to stop fro a drink so many times lol Xxx
  • Thanks :) I would just hate to do all this work and not actually lose because of something so simple so just thought i would check before i went any further :P Thanks again :) xx
  • Congrats,,you have done great :) Ive just started :( fingers crossed i get same kind of results :) xx
  • Already been to my doctor and private physio. My physio told me all i have to do is build the muscle round about it. He has given me exercises like standing against a wall and sliding down, etc. so im doing them aswell. Thanks for your concern though :) x
  • Thanks guys, I only got up to about 5 minutes,,,but after reading what you have said I put it back and tried to continue it through. I managed the whole thing with only stopping a little. I have dislocated knees which makes the exercise a little harder to do. They keep dislocating because there are no muscle around it to…
  • Thanks AmyRhubarb I stopped after 5 mins,,but im gona get back into it so that i can complete the full 20mins even if it takes 40mins lol Hopefully as u say in a few days i will be able to do it all the way through without stopping as much :P :) xx