

  • Last night Nov. 18th weighed in at : 203lbs 6 week goal by Dec. 31st : 187lbs I would love to lose 15 lbs in 6 weeks!!! Although I did just lose 7lbs from Oct. hopefully the weight just keeps coming off! I'd like to run a 5k on Jan. 1st.........i'll be signing up for one here in the next 2 weeks or so! It'll be…
  • Hello All Amanda here! I started my second week of Insanity yesterday although I missed two days last week so not really a great first week. I love the results from doing Insanity. I got a month in the first time I did Insanity and could tell a huge difference in inches lost. I get so worn out halfway through though and…
  • What a nice thought. I hope some people who are "regulars" think about this an offer a kind look instead of a judgey one! It would be so nice if people actually supported others in the real world and not just online. I have a gym membership but rarely get to go, I still have 40 lbs to lose so I know the looks of what are…
  • Hey There, I'm Amanda, 25, and I live in CO. I have two kiddos 2 yr old daughter and 6 month old son! I have lost 7 lbs in the past 30 days! Woo Hoo! Decided to get back on MFP too keep my self eating enough but not too much. I don't really have any ppl on here so would be fun to be in touch. I am 5'10 and 1/2 and I weigh…