Calif1971dreamin Member


  • :bigsmile: Hooray, I just walk 2 16 minute miles and road a stationary bike for 20 minute. I feel fantastic. It only took me all day to do it, but I did it. :laugh: I will do it again tomorrow after work. :flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: I'm in. This is just the group I need. If I have to report to someone what I am doing, I am more likely to do it. I try and walk 2 miles 3 times a week. I am trying to do it on a daily basis, sometimes I succeed sometimes I fail, but with your help I know I will . :happy:
  • I'm new to all this. What is a bump and how do you do it? :bigsmile: As long as it's not illegal, I'll do it. LOL:laugh:
  • A chat room is a great idea. I just went on but nobody there. MFP needs to incorporated it into their site. It is a needed addition. It could be somewhere that when the munchies hit, we could get immediate support to avoid them. But if no one is online, it doesn't do much good. :bigsmile:
  • Thank you for your words of support. Yes, he unfortunately can cancel my health insurance since we are legally separated. We don't live together and maintain two separate residences. I wanted to get a court order to go in and inventory my things with my first attorney, but she never did anything. Because of her non-actions…
  • :flowerforyou: I'm so glad I have found this group. I've been looking for somewhere I can get support as I diet. It seems that after we hit 50 everything changes. For one thing we have to deal with menopause and all the problems that go with it. Unless you've experienced it, you have no idea how it will affect you. I have…
  • :cry: My heart goes out to you. I've lost pets too and I always felt like I lost a piece of my heart when they died. As far as I'm concerned this is a place to post this. Sadness is a definite obstacle when it comes to dieting. When I'm sad and hurt, I reach out for comfort food. During your time of morning you need all…
  • Thank you for your advice. I do have one question, how do you find a group? All I seem to find is posts to the message boards and blogs, but no actual groups.
  • Hi to all. I took Alli a couple of years ago and it helped me lose 50 lbs. I just started using it again to lose the 15 lbs I gained back recently and the other 20 lbs I want to lose. It did give me some bad effects, but nothing I couldn't deal with. It didn't affect my heart, no stomach pains There was an occasional toot…
  • Believe me, I've been there, got that t-shirt and am still there. I work nights and when I get off work at 11:30 pm I am starving. I've tried drinking water, but that doesn't work too well because then I have to pee all night instead of sleeping. I've tried eating low or no calorie foods and protein, but they don't satisfy…