Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    What do you mean when you say vinegar with 'mother'. Do you mean organic? I thought Apple Cider Vinegars were all the same. Esther

    "Mother" is the sediment you see in the bottom of the bottle of UNDISTILLED apple cider vinegar. If its clear all the way to the bottom of the bottle, it isn't as beneficial; sort of like the difference between whole grain and bleached white flour.

    If you really want to know, read all about the importance of "mother" in your vinegar here:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    It is so hot today that I’ve been dragging. I know it’s a lot hotter for many of you, but we have no air conditioning and up north here we’re used to staying warm in the winter but we’re lost in the hot weather. It was so hot that the dogs lasted barely 20 minutes at the dog park before they lay down in the shade under the tree. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, congratulations on your continued weight loss. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You are so focused and motivated. You continue to work so hard. You’ll get to that 50 pounds before long

    javascript:add_smiley('flowerforyou','post_body'):flowerforyou: Rosemary, I love your reminders to drink water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I still have my piece of paper and pencil in the kitchen so I can keep track of how many glasses I drink each day.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I’m glad you had a good time on your camping trip. I don’t know if I could have done all that getting up early to get a good seat. :laugh: I’m thinking good thoughts about the results of your MRI. Happy Birthday. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I’m glad you had a good celebration.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, congratulations on losing another pound. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That’s great about not craving sweets.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, it’s good to hear from you. I think we have some of the same hot weather that you have.

    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Barbie - I keep meaning to mention that I love your picture of your poodles!

    Everyone have a great day, and here's to smart choices!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I hope all of you are having a good day so far. Everyone must be so busy. I log on and very few have written anything. Hope all are okay. Really miss hearing from everyone. Sorry it is so hot for some of you. It is hot here but actually cooler than usual. You can actually walk outside and not sweat just standing up. Hope it continues. Cannot wait to turn AC off. Does make it so much easier to drink water. I love water and drink it all the time but find I drink a lot more in hot weather. I just want to thank all of you ladies again for being here. This site has been the main reason I have done so well. When I am accountable to someone other than myself I tend to stay on track more. I can dissapoint myself but do not like to disappoint others. I also love hearing about your lives and sharing with you. Feel like I know most of you. Continue your good work and have a good day.
    By the way hubby corrected me while we were walking last night. I obviously cannot count. I said yesterday that I started this 8 months ago while it has been 6. I started on Feb 22 so on Saturday it will be 6 months on this getting fit and healthy journey. Thanks again for taking this journey with me.
    Vicki M.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I too have been doing this for 6 months. I started on February 18, 2009. Progress seems slow, and not nearly as much as I hoped for in this amount of time, but down 20 pounds and 8" in my belly IS progress. I'm eating better than I have in my ENTIRE life and am much more active. I'm not sure I had this much energy 10 years ago!

    I seriously doubt any of this would be true without the accountability and encouragement I find here with the ladies on this thread.

    Its a gorgeous morning here. Not even any wind, so I've been outside since daybreak. Now that its starting to heat up, its time for me to do some strength training and housework. And of course, drink some more water! :tongue: :drinker:

    Happy Thursday y'all!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are here for each other, right? Well, it seems like I'm really gung-ho to report when I've lost some pounds, but when I mess up I don't want anyone to know. But, that is one of the very reasons this thread is here right? So...I haven't been exercising, drinking water or eating like I should to lose weight. I have gained 6 pounds just this past week!:grumble: But it is all my own dumb fault. i need to remember where I have come from and where I'm wanting to go. At times my new eating habits are so normal that I let down my guard and the old ones come flooding back. Help!! I really don't want to go back where I was 6 months ago and I really DO want to continue on this wonderful journeyto being free from my own bondage. I am so glad that each of you know exactly what I'm talking about and are there for me and for all of us! Thanks for listening!:flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    We are here for each other, right? Well, it seems like I'm really gung-ho to report when I've lost some pounds, but when I mess up I don't want anyone to know. But, that is one of the very reasons this thread is here right? So...I haven't been exercising, drinking water or eating like I should to lose weight.... Help!! I really don't want to go back where I was 6 months ago and I really DO want to continue on this wonderful journeyto being free from my own bondage. I am so glad that each of you know exactly what I'm talking about and are there for me and for all of us! Thanks for listening!:flowerforyou:

    Sounds like you need to stop focusing on the big picture, and just tackle one day at a time. Forget what you did or didn't do yesterday, or last week ! Give yourself permission to start over.

    TODAY find a way to get active. :flowerforyou:

    TODAY drink your water. :drinker:

    TODAY make good food choices. :happy:

    Little by little, one choice at a time you can do this!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I think it is the time of year that makes us so busy. Many of us are transitioning from summer to fall. Whether you have kids getting back into school or you've been on vacation summer to fall is a transition. I know that's why I haven't been able to post much.

    My "free" mornings aren't as free as I thought they would be. But, I am managing 10 minutes of strength/yoga that I didn't do before. I may not be able to bring the dogs for a quick walk as I had hoped.

    Still it is wonderful to not have to drive the kids to school. High school is going to be a challenge and it is a much bigger change than I thought it would be for us. So far all is good. Kids are settling in well and hubby and I are doing a good jog in being consistent with our new schedules.

    Have a great day everyone,

    PS: Barbie- I love the poodle picture too. It makes me want to run out and get one. lol
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    We are here for each other, right? Well, it seems like I'm really gung-ho to report when I've lost some pounds, but when I mess up I don't want anyone to know. But, that is one of the very reasons this thread is here right? So...I haven't been exercising, drinking water or eating like I should to lose weight.... Help!! I really don't want to go back where I was 6 months ago and I really DO want to continue on this wonderful journeyto being free from my own bondage. I am so glad that each of you know exactly what I'm talking about and are there for me and for all of us! Thanks for listening!:flowerforyou:

    Sounds like you need to stop focusing on the big picture, and just tackle one day at a time. Forget what you did or didn't do yesterday, or last week ! Give yourself permission to start over.

    TODAY find a way to get active. :flowerforyou:

    TODAY drink your water. :drinker:

    Ditto on that advice. It's all good advice that we KNOW but we forget to FOCUS. So, I'm with you and will think of you today when I'm focusing on this Great Advice - Thanks Susan.

    Everyone have a great day,

    TODAY make good food choices. :happy:

    Little by little, one choice at a time you can do this!
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    The support from you wonderful ladies is absolutely wonderful:flowerforyou: The thing is that when one or some of us stumble and get off course other members with your kindness and support continue to assist each other to stay focussed and on the right path:heart: There are always bumps in the road and having friends share your journey truly helps light the way. Thank you all so much for sharing my journey:flowerforyou: and being true inspirations to one other.

    Since my husband retired at the end of July we have been experiencing a couple different emotions. It certainly has both its good and bad points. My day is not my own anymore and I sure don't have my own time to get things done. However, I know it will just take some time to work out new living patterns. It is not a bad thing just a different chapter in the same book so-to-speak. More patience and tolerance is definitely on the agenda!

    Yesterday I went for a slow bike ride through town and did some swimming. My knees were none the worse afterword. Today I did a (modified version) of the BLBootcamp DVD and 15 minutes on my stationary bike. Little bits at a time until I get some answers about what will need to be done on my knees. My physician is still saying an operation but of course that will depend on what the MRI finds.

    Barbie thank you for the birthday wishes:smile: Congratulations on reaching the 50lb mark:flowerforyou: I was hoping to be down that last 20 lbs by my birthday but that didn't happen but I am thankful that I know I am in better shape this year on my birthday than I have in many birthday's before:bigsmile: Just keeping it all in perspective and things will continue to fall into place.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day full of warm positive thoughts:flowerforyou:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Doobie Do,
    yes it is easier to report when you do good. However we are here for you for better or worse.
    I have been where you are 1 step forward and 10 steps backward. This time something in me is different. I cannot explain it I only know this time I WILL do this. My whole attitude is changed. Just keep on doing the best you can and you will get there. It just takes a lot of time and we tend to want the quick fix. Continue to post good or bad cause it will keep you on task.

    My husband was out of work for injuries for 10 years. I went through what you are going through. At first I think I felt like I had to enterain him or be with him 24/7. After we made our adjustments I found that it was better for us to plan some time together but for most days just plan our days and go about our business as usual. It is an adjustment but I would not trade those 10 years for anything. He has about 10 more years before he retires and I cannot wait. Good luck on your journey and enjoy retirement.

    to everyone else, have a great day.
    Vicki M
  • HeatherMMB
    Hi Doobie-Doo - have done the same thing many times - and it is about not throwing in the towel becuase a day or a week was 'bad'. Life happens :smile:

    Just make the choice to get back on the program - one day at a time or even one part of a day at a time. It's just important to keep believing in yourself - you are worth whatever effort it takes - and just keep making those small choice that add up to big results - you CAN do this! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I'm barely hanging on with the focus on healthier eating. It's hard to come home hungry, then have to find a quick supper. Mostly, I just want to sit down for a while and chill out. Water consumption is nil. I really admire all of you who have figured out a way to work away from home all day and still maintain your focus!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning ladies:smile: as I sit here reading all of your comments it makes me smile and feel grateful for the world of computers. Just think of all the woman years ago without computers who had to struggle with dieting all alone.:frown: And here we are at a time and age in our lives when we really need the support and encouragement we might not have with out the internet.:noway: So let's raise our glasses:drinker: (of water) to all of the wonderful people who have made this thread possible:drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: To all of MFP family here:drinker: is to healthy, sunny days. :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: And remember as the temperature continues to rise.:drinker: drink :drinker: drink :drinker: drink that water. Rosemary
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Cheers! :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I've been very busy lately but all of you are with me as I grab an extra walk or avoid a temptation or drink an extra glass of water :drinker: :drinker:

    Together we can do this.

    have a great day :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :drinker: Yay! To us...:drinker:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Right on Rosemary:drinker:
  • Calif1971dreamin
    Calif1971dreamin Posts: 15 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm so glad I have found this group. I've been looking for somewhere I can get support as I diet. It seems that after we hit 50 everything changes. For one thing we have to deal with menopause and all the problems that go with it. Unless you've experienced it, you have no idea how it will affect you. I have just joined MFP and hopeful that I will be able to lose the 35 pounds to get to my goal weight. I am usually pretty good about my diet and have always ate healthy, but keeping a food diary was intermittent at best. Being able to log my food and with a couple of buttons I can instantly find out my calorie count. I really helps me plan my day.

    Please excuse me while I vent awhile. Yesterday was a bad day for me and totally disrupted my diet. For the last two years I have been going through a very nasty divorce. No children are involved, just some land. My husband is a angry, controlling, abusive man and every time I have to deal with him or the divorce, I fall of the diet wagon. Yesterday was such a day. He has refused me access to the house and has all my furniture that I had before we were married. I have no bed and am sleeping on a mattress on the floor. My attorney has made several appointments with him and his attorney so that I could go in and identify my things for a comprehensive list of what I want. He has canceled everyone. I have rented a truck several times so I could pick up my things. He has canceled those with no notice. I am afraid to be around him by myself am requesting as part of the divorce settlement he pay for a mover to go in, pack my things and move them to my new apartment. My attorney told me yesterday in all likelihood the judge will not grant it and I'll only have a couple of days to pack 4 rooms of furniture. I mean, how do you pack a lifetime of things including a full kitchen and dinning room in one day so I can move it the next day. I usually work nights and weekends when others would be able to help me. I am partially disabled and work a minimum wage job part-time. I live from paycheck to paycheck so having the money to hire movers is so far out of my budget that it is not an option.

    I had called my doctor several times last week and they finally returned my call yesterday. My husband canceled my health insurance so I have to pay full price for everything. I wanted to see if they could work with me to get my thyroid tested and get some prescriptions. They told me it would cost $200 and although they would set up payments I had to pay $100 up front. More money I don't have.

    After I found that out, I came home and discovered my dryer wasn't working. Unfortunately I was going to dry my work clothes for that night. A friend was kind enough to lend me money so I could get my thyroid prescription. When I got to the drugstore and was ready to leave, my car wouldn't start. I think it is the starter so I had to call work and tell them I wouldn't be coming in because of a lack of transportation. That left them with only 1 other cashier to work the night shift. I walked down the street to a auto repair place and they were kind enough get my car started, but told me if it was the starter it would cost around $300 to get it replaced.

    I was overwhelmed and so depressed by that time, I came home and drank my supper. Good thing I drink lite beer and scotch. I didn't go over my calorie count. I am just wondering what new problem will hit me today. I think I'll just stay in bed today. Hopefully, that will keep me out of the kitchen and eating everything I can find.

    Nobody can say or do anything that will help me. I'll just have to deal. Sorry for venting.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Calif1971dreamin....I can so feel your pain. All this stress is not going to help in the weight lose venture. Can you go to court and get an order where you can go to the house and get your things? When I divorced, my ex got just about everything. I took my mother's furniture, though. Also, can he legally have to removed from his benefits while you are still married? I would check into this. I wish that I lived close to you. I have teens that would be so helpful when you move. A little alcohol isn't going to hurt you but remember that it metabolizes differently so alcohol can make it difficult to lose weight.
    Feel free to post anything. We are here to support you.