Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Whah :sad: I want an unplanned day off Or a planned day off - I'll take anything about now!!

    Hello everyone The sun is actually shining in Northern Ontario today!!! Wonders never cease!

    This weekend I will try to be a good girl despite some parties we will be attending and my promise to my daughter to take her to the exhibition. I'm not really worried about the "fair" food because it doesn't tempt me anymore. Other than that, I'll be cleaning the house:grumble:

    I'm finally getting a new dining room set tomorrow I can't wait. It's even brand new - not a hand me down. I won a bit of money a couple of weeks ago which is the only way I could be doing this. Yeah me!!!

    Staying on track so far today and really mean to continue that trend.

    Have a good weekend all

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm still fighting off this cold. :sad: :sad: I danced this morning, ate healthy food and went to bed for three hours when I got home. It is very difficult for me to slow down. I always believe that vigorous exercise and activity are the solution to everything. I'm nowhere near my 14,000 steps and if it weren't for Jake, the dogs wouldn't have gone to the dog park.

    We have an event to go to tomorrow where lunch will be provided so I just finished making ours
    I've yet to find a lunch at an event that had anything I can eat. We'll have cold chicken, green beans, sliced tomato, and snacks of hummus, green pepper, WASA crackers, and apples for snacks since it will last all afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: Barb I noticed your two more pounds lost moving you up to 30 pounds:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Could we say "we have shed pounds"? Our pets shed their fur with no intention of getting it back.

    Now it's time to go to bed.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    hugs to all :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm still fighting off this cold. :sad: :sad: I danced this morning, ate healthy food and went to bed for three hours when I got home. It is very difficult for me to slow down. I always believe that vigorous exercise and activity are the solution to everything. I'm nowhere near my 14,000 steps and if it weren't for Jake, the dogs wouldn't have gone to the dog park.

    We have an event to go to tomorrow where lunch will be provided so I just finished making ours
    I've yet to find a lunch at an event that had anything I can eat. We'll have cold chicken, green beans, sliced tomato, and snacks of hummus, green pepper, WASA crackers, and apples for snacks since it will last all afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: Barb I noticed your two more pounds lost moving you up to 30 pounds:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Could we say "we have shed pounds"? Our pets shed their fur with no intention of getting it back.

    Now it's time to go to bed.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    hugs to all :heart: :heart:

    Hi Barbie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Sorry to hear you are "under the weather":sad: :sad: I bet your canine "nurses" are hanging close by. Whenever I am ill, I always have two little doggies who stick to me like glue. Mai Li is especially attentive.

    Your lunch menu sounds better than anything they could have made for your luncheon, so I will be up there tomorrow to help you eat it:noway: :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding!!

    Tomorrow I have to troubleshoot my friend Linda's van, which has a blinking oil light. :grumble: Since there are no leaks in the driveway and no smoke upon starting or driving, I am thinking it might be an oil pressure issue. The first step is to go there tomorrow and check the oil level. If it is full of oil, I am going to recommend it be towed to the shop, as it would be folly to drive it there without the oil circulating properly. We shall see.

    As for the pets "shedding," how true it is. My Mai Li has been hastening the process by pulling hair out of her tail, due to an allergy problem that has recently developed. The treatment doesn't appear to be working as well as I would have expected, so we are headed back to the "doggie doctor" this weekend. I will "shed" "lose" "outrun" "distance myself from" --whatever verb is appropriate, as long as I can keep getting rid of pesky pounds.:drinker: :drinker:

    I mentioned earlier that I took the day off from work. Well I still ended up there.:noway: I have been meaning to see how long it would take me to walk the 3 miles to my office from home, and since it was a nice cool overcast day, I decided to find out today. It took me 50 minutes of walking time, and despite the hill, I felt fine when I got there.. I was planning to walk back, after a visit to a grocery variety store, where I got some yogurt and cold chicken and had some lunch.

    Of course 5 minutes after I finished the food, my other good friend called and asked me to join her for lunch. She picked me up and we went and had chinese food. I just had some soup. Egg Flower is very low in calories and fat, but the sodium is more than I would like. I still stayed under for the day though.. When we were finshed, I had her drop me off about halfway back to my house, so I still got about 5 miles in for the day.

    I went to a barbeque tonight and had steak, salad, 1/2 a baked potato and a slice of garlic bread, and two martinis, but I am still way under for the day, including my exercise calories. I still say better under than over.:smile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. :flowerforyou: I am hoping to get another 6 - 7 miles in tomorrow.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    SuzQ- Sorry to hear Ken needs chemo. May I ask where you are coming from when you go to Albuquerque? I'm about 37 miles east and south of I-40. Jeannie

    I'll be coming down your part of I40 then. We should try to meet the day I start home. Message me.

    Just finished strength training. Now to wake up hubby, dine w him and hit the road. I'm taking my tennis shoes so I can at least walk while I am in Albuquerque. Should arrive mid afternoon.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    I'm so excited-

    SuzQ- Yes, I'm game to try and meet up and send you a message. Maybe on another trip we can meet up and go hiking/walking somewhere.

    On Monday morning my teacher hubby goes back to work and the kids go back to school! They will be at the high school where he teaches.

    For the first time in 14 years (how old the oldest is) I will be free in the morning from driving the kids to school and/or daycare. I can't tell you all how exciting this is. From the sounds of all the threads many of you are Moms and know what this means. lol

    I have too many plans for my free mornings: bring my old dog for a walk, have coffee with my mom, excercise before work, do mini cleanups around the house. But the first thing I will do this Monday is to sit and drink an entire cup of coffee without interruptions.

    Have a great weekend everyone and good luck with diets and excercise plans.


    PS: Barb- on the van- not sure where you live, but around here we have several chain places that do oil changes, etc where they will do a free safety check on any vehicle if you tell them you are going a trip and want things checked out. I found out about it by accident years ago but have since learned that there are quite a few places that do it. I had gotten the list from AAA. Good luck with the van.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    .......Tomorrow I have to troubleshoot my friend Linda's van, which has a blinking oil light. :grumble: Since there are no leaks in the driveway and no smoke upon starting or driving, I am thinking it might be an oil pressure issue. The first step is to go there tomorrow and check the oil level. If it is full of oil, I am going to recommend it be towed to the shop, as it would be folly to drive it there without the oil circulating properly. We shall see.

    PS: Barb- on the van- not sure where you live, but around here we have several chain places that do oil changes, etc where they will do a free safety check on any vehicle if you tell them you are going a trip and want things checked out. I found out about it by accident years ago but have since learned that there are quite a few places that do it. I had gotten the list from AAA. Good luck with the van.

    Appreciate the tip about the van, but the shop the car would have gone to is one I have used and trusted for years, and they did some work on it earlier, so this would likely be covered under warranty. As it turned out, there is NOTHING wrong with the van. The oil level was full, and when I started it up, no oil light. Some more questioning revealed that the oil light came on just as she was turning in the driveway, where she discovered the van had stalled. It appears the stall happened about the time she turned, so of couse with the ignition still on ALL the idiot lights come on in that case. I drove the thing all over today running her errands, and it is just fine, so thank goodness for small favors.

    Her computer, however, is another story. :grumble: I wish she lived in a high rise so I could throw it out the window. :laugh: :laugh: Instead, I have to schedule a block of time to do some major work on it, as it makes dialup look FAST,:noway: and it is on a high speed connection.

    Happy Saturday to all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I survived another birthday party with no cheating. It was my oldest grandson's 7th birthday today. We had cake and ice cream at my house so the kids could swim. I ate none of it. Tonight we went to a local pizza place that has a room where kids can play games. Hubby and I went early and went to Outback and ate salads before the party and ate nothing there except glass of water. I did treat myself to chick fil a ice cream after. It is low in calories. FYI though it is better to get small cone than small cup at chick fil a. about 100 calories difference in two of them. I will know better next time. Did get good workout in this morning though so it was a good day. So good to hear all of you are doing so well. Barb you have got to be one of the best friends a person could have. You are so self-sufficient. Hope you all have a great Sunday tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Congratulations:flowerforyou: :drinker: on surviving another birthday party, or should I say another birthday CAKE?!!:laugh: I am glad you still got a little treat in for yourself. Sometimes nothing beats ice cream, although since I discovered the many flavors of Yoplait non fat yogurt, I can often avoid ice cream temptations.

    I solved all of Linda's problems for the day--including figuring out how her pesky little Shih tzu, Choe was sneaking out of the backyard. She used to be my Pepper's mate when they were both owned by the friends who gave me Pepper for Christmas I think Pepper, aka "Houdini" must have shared some fence defying secrets with her when they were together, but now that I have figured out what she is doing, some well-placed chicken wire is going to end Chloe's wandering ways.:bigsmile:

    After I finished the above, I hit the trail and did 2.5 hours of walking on the trail near my home. I got a little carried away and spent the last half hour walking in the dark. :glasses: There is a well lit street that parallels the trail near where I start and end, so I came home on it instead of the trail.

    I ended up having dinner about 10p tonight and I am headed for the bathtub or I will wake up so stiff tomorrow I won't be able to get out of bed!!:laugh:

    We will see if my weigh in on Sunday brings more good news.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congrats, Vicki M. I don't think that I could turn down the cake. I always seem to reason that I should have cake when there is a birthday. ( Or any day ending in a "Y" LOL).

    I took off on my daughter's bike today. It had been years since I had ridden one. I was gone for 30 minutes and figure I burned about 130 calories. I have upped my calories and am seeing the weight drop. Strange??? I met my latest goal and have set another one...another 5 pounds.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    After trying to fight this cold for four days, I have to admit that the cold won. :sad: :sad:

    I canceled all my plans for today, took a shower, put on warm clothes and will spend the day either in bed or resting (yes, using the computer counts as resting) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: On Thursday and Friday I barely got 10,000 steps (line dance helped) and yesterday I had only 7,000. Today I will probably set a new low on my step counter. :sad:

    :flowerjavascript:add_smiley('flowerforyou','post_body')foryou: Barb, I’d cook for you any time especially in exchange for some of your helpful , “trouble-shooter” stuff you do for your friends. You are amazing!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Your long walk sounds so good, especially right now when I have decided to not walk and try to get healthy again. I read a survey recently that said that a significant percentage of people admitted to having struck their computer in anger, so throwing it out the window isn’t too far beyond that. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ
    keep up the good work and don’t let the detractors get you down. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of Albuquerque in spite of the serious aspects of your visit. What a great idea to bring your walking shoes.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
    enjoy your peaceful mornings----you’ve earned them.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki----congrats on saying no to birthday cake. It will make a huge difference in the long run. Yesterday when I was finishing the low cal healthy lunch I brought to a big meeting, my friend who had been my weight loss inspiration at one time, walked past me with a piece of chocolate cake and said “yes, I know I’m being bad” and I said nothing but just thought about how I’ve lost so much more weight than she has, because I’ve stuck to my plan.

    :flowerforyou: Becky----I was startled when I saw that your ticker said that you had five pounds to lose and then thrilled to read that you’d lost that pesky pound and were now on your way to tackle five more. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Is that your final goal?

    It is 65 degrees here right now and would be perfect time to go for a long walk. It is a huge challenge to me to stay seated and let my body rest and heal. I have to remember that the reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT. :flowerforyou: I want today to be my only lie around day. I have important stuff to do tomorrow.
    Hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So sorry to hear about your cold. Summer ones are the worst.:grumble: It seems there is always something better to do than sit home feeling lousy. I hope you are pushing the herbal tea, vitamin C and Echinacea. (This is NOT a suggestion, but I had to smile when one of the suggested spellcheck alternatives when I was checking my questionable spelling of that last word was "Euthanasia"--but THAT is a bit extreme for a cold, and not something I advocate for any other reason either!)

    The doggie confinement problem I mentioned in yesterday's post is going to be solved a little differently. Since it is the neighbor's fence that is causing the problem, I decided against chickenwire, because that would require attachment to the fence, and I don't want to cause myself additional problems, since some of the wood looks questionable. Instead, thanks to Lowe's the solution I found are 8 ft long by 2 ft high lattice fence panels that we can stick right into the ground on Linda's side of the fence. Since Chloe doesn't have access to a ladder:laugh: THAT should keep her from slithering through the openings she is using now to go "wandering."

    I have lots yet to do so maybe I will post more later tonight. Hope to walk yet this afternoon, also.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    weak...that spell check problem is sooo funny. Glad the doggy houdini problem is corrected.

    Hi Barbie, I am not sure if I will be finished after the next 5 pounds or not. I am taking this 5 pounds at a time. I now weigh 145 and stand almost 5 ft. 5 in. I could stand to lose more, I think.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Ken is doing MUCH better than I expected. Of course the chemo saps his energy, but he is doing great all things considered. Attitude is EVERYTHING! Last night my niece and I went alking after he went to bed. Then this afternoon we took her kids swimming while he rested. So far I have been staying under my calorie limits. Just got home from a heavenly barbecue place.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thanks Becky,
    There will come a time when I will eat birthday cake. I just decided yesterday was not it. You may have burned a lot more then 105 calories for 30 min bike riding. If you were riding fast it burns quite a lot.
    Thanks Barbie,
    Yes that is how I feel at the moment. There is nothing that taste so good that I care to cheat for right now. I eat the things I really want in great moderation, but mostly stay within calories and fat. It is working for me and I intend to keep it up forever. I do look forward to the time when I can cheat a little without having to spend half a day at the gym. I plan to continue to be active but not as obsessive as I am now. I hope you feel better so you can get back on track. It is important to take the time to rest so you can get back in the swing of things. I know how hard it is. I HATE being sick. I have lots better things to do.
    Susie, I am glad your trip went well and glad your brother is doing so well. Good job on getting that exercise in.
    Barb, You are so innovative in whatever you do.
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Vicki M- That is so great that you survived the birthday party. What will power!

    Barbie- I hope you feel better and get over your cold. They do seem to be worse in the summer. Take care of yourself.

    Barb-I don't envy you trying to keep a wandering dog in. I had one many years ago that thought railroad ties were sticks and drained the power out of an electric fence. He could dig out a boulder with one paw tied behind his back <-joking we never did that.

    SuzyQ- Glad to hear Ken is doing well.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie sorry to hear that you are not feeling well:sick: Give yourself lots of self-love and attention and I bet you will be up and around in no time. Maybe your body just needs a rest:smile:

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ that is great news that Ken is doing better than you originally thought. I am sure that gives you great comfort. I will still keep him in my prayers.

    :flowerforyou: Becky congratulations on doing such a great job so far on reaching your goals and even setting another one for yourself. I cannot hardly remember being the weight you are now:smile: so I am so happy for you and wish you continued success.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki good job on "just saying NO to cake":laugh: It is amazing isn't it how far we have come. I remember a time that I would never pass up cake! Way to go girl:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like you:smile: You are like the energizer bunny:laugh: I am sure that your friends are so very thankful to have you in their lives.

    The weekend was very busy for me preparing for our upcoming camping trip. We also spent a lot of time doing some cleaning and painting in the basement as well as some outside work between rainstorms. Finished last night at 11:00 p.m. and I was exhausted. My knees continued to complain but I pretended not to hear them:laugh: I have a massage appointment this morning and I am very thankful for that:happy:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day:smile:

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I'm still here. I probably overate this weekend. My excuse is that I was hungry!
    Back to watching what I eat today.
  • 4everhealthy
    Hi Sory I've been MIA for awhile just had alot of stress in the last 2 weeks, and I did gain back 6 pounds, not happy with that. But, i back on track and not throwing in the towel. Just pick myself up and keep going :smile: :embarassed:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening Ladies:smile: Well I'm home:noway: I can't believe my mini vacation is over. Had lot's of fun, exercise, shopping, resisted almost:grumble: all temptations. My biggest (and I don't regret it one single bit:happy: ) was a chocolate snowball with ice cream on the bottom and marshmallow on top:tongue: YUMMY They don't even know what a snowball is in Delaware:noway: so this was the first one I've had in 5 years. ( I got a medium instead of a large and I haven't tried to log that one in yet) I didn't weigh in today because they were calibrating the scales so I don't know how much damage that snowball might have done.:devil:
    :heart: SuzyQ so glad to hear Ken is doing so well. Continued prayers and hugs to you.
    :heart: Barbie, hope your feeling better soon.
    :heart: Becky, keep it up. Your an inspiration.
    :heart: Hey Barb, How's it going? :happy:
    :heart: Marie, hope you have as much fun on your camping trip as I had on mine. Boy can you burn lots of calories hiking.:laugh:
    :heart: I guess I should have said no to that snowball but I was really good when my mother and I went to the bakery. She got a peach tart and tried to get me to take a bite:devil: and I told her I was saving myself for that snowball.:laugh:
    Well ladies it is hotter that the:devil: favorite place in here so I will talk to you later.
    Especially with all this heat remember to drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water, Rosemary
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I would love to hear about your massage. I have been planning on getting one of those. I think that would be heavenly.

    :flowerforyou: Wishful, been there-done that. Every once in a while this can be good. If we stay very regimented then life is no fun.

    :flowerforyou: 4everhealth, I have found that if I do gain a few pounds that they come back off easier than the first time. You will probably lose them in two weeks at the most.

    :flowerforyou: LaurelFisher, it is hot like that here also. One good thing about it is that I don't feel like eating much.

    I did have a brownie today. I got home from work to find that my 19 year old daughter had just pulled them out of the oven. YUM. I did stay within my calories.