Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Becky---the line dancing I do requires remembering the steps or at the very least having an eye on someone who knows the steps to be sure I'm doing the right ones. the other thing that is good for the brain is the positive feelings and energy that come with upbeat music and rhythm. And of course, it's fun and that's good for my life in general.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki----you are amazing how you handle all those kids and keep such an upbeat spirit. It's a very great accomplishment to bake cookies and not eat them yourself:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: suzyQ---I write a gratitude list every morning and I always put health, mobility, and MFP on the list along with about 10 other things. Cultivating gratitude is something I've learned to do with age and maturity.

    :flowerforyou: Marie
    I'm glad you're safe. What a bummer about your computer. How did we ever get along without them? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm glad that you're able to be active.

    I danced this morning even though I felt a little under the weather, My stomach is a little upset so I'm not going to venture far from home. I took a nap after lunch and that helped. Jake took the dogs to the dog park so they didn't miss out on their fun. Later I'll ride the exercise bike.

    Have a wonderful afternoon.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I got a message from Elli. I had been missing her so I went to the blog she's doing on her house to see how things are going. It looks fabulous. she replied to my message and said that she thinks she will be moving back into her house by the end of this month and will be checking back at MFP when she's settled. Her son comes back a week from Thursday so she is very excited and very busy. she asked me to say hello to everyone and that she misses us.

    hugs :heart:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    wow Barbie. 14,000 steps a day. It's hard for me to get to the 10,000 that's recommended!

    Hope you are all having a great Wednesday. I have many things going so I'll have to cut this real short. More tomorrow.

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Just checking in, have been away. Nice to catch up with you all.
    Appreciate you starting the Aug thread, Barb. And your usual good sense of humor.
    It seems I am still working on the same 3 lbs. I think if I can get over this hump I can get with it again.
    You are an inspiration with all your walking, Barb. Do you usually walk alone? No problems with that?
    I don't get 10,000 steps most day, tho' it is my goal.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Vicki M-

    Congradulations on resisting the chocolate chip cookies. If you can resist them, you can resist anything.

    I, like you, remember the times I'd eat my whole day's calorie allowance before they even cooled off from the oven.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just checking in, have been away. Nice to catch up with you all.
    Appreciate you starting the Aug thread, Barb. And your usual good sense of humor.
    It seems I am still working on the same 3 lbs. I think if I can get over this hump I can get with it again.
    You are an inspiration with all your walking, Barb. Do you usually walk alone? No problems with that?
    I don't get 10,000 steps most day, tho' it is my goal.

    Hi Ellen,

    I usually walk alone, but I live in a safe neighborhood, and the walking trail that starts about a mile and a half from where I live is well travelled, and I feel comfortable there, as long as I am not wandering around after dark, which I avoid.

    Tonight I did a neighborhood walk, heading over to my friend Linda's--she lives about 1.5 miles from me--along with my doggies. My Lhasa Apso was in a walking mood tonight. It was only about 72 degrees about 7:30 tonight and when we got to our usual turnaround point in our walk, I asked my companions if they wanted to "go see Aunt Linda" and they picked up the pace and headed toward her house, so we stopped in and took her Shih Tzu, Chloe, for a short walk.

    After that, I had to head home. By the time I got here, it was almost 9:30p. I had a moment of concern when I realized, my house keys were not in my pocket!! :noway: I had my cell phone, and quickly determined they weren't at Linda's either. Fortunately, I have a hiding place for another key to my home, so I got inside to find my keys, still sitting on the bed, where I had left them. I didn't even miss them 'til I wanted to pick up my mail on the way to my front door.

    Well, I am up too late again,:yawn: so what else is new?.:laugh:

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone:flowerforyou:

    Barb I got a real chuckle out of your key story especially since I can totally relate to it. I remember one time thinking I had lost my keys and lo and behold I found them...in the refrigerator right where I dropped them when I was putting the groceries away:laugh: :laugh: I am glad you had another key to get into your house or your story may not have had such a happy ending:smile:

    Yesterday was a busy day getting lots done around the house and doing a little extra exercising. We go to another music festival early next week so lots to be done around here. My knees cooperated yesterday but today is a different story so maybe just taking it a little bit easier will be on the agenda. It certainly has been a challenge to get the scale to move when I cannot as well as what I would like but I am thankful that I am in maintainance mode and not gaining:noway:

    Cheers to all:drinker:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning all,

    I just got back from working out - FINALLY got back to the gym after a long AWOL status :laugh: I always feel so much better after exercising so why do I fight it so much?!?!

    Hope you are all doing well today.

  • Hi all,
    Marie your key story made me LOL - I am SO glad someone else does things like leave keys in the fridge!:laugh: I have found mine in the fridge, in the cupboard and in my pocket after I have raced around lookin for them!

    thanks to all for the posts - reading everyone's posts is really helping keep me sorted and sane - this is a journey - one day at a time.

    take care all - for those living in the heat - you can send some up to Canada - we just finished such a cool July :angry: and wet - August is supposed to be more of the same - so not much summer - so if you can send a degree or two up here that would be great.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yippie!! I lost another pound, a new pound that is. It is always a boost to lose at least something!! It spurs me on to keep on keeping on...I'm drinking more water too. After working all week at the PO I will get back on the treadmill next week too. Have a good day!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good for you Doobie Do. Each pound lost is a good pound. Keep up the good work.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everyone:flowerforyou:

    Barb I got a real chuckle out of your key story especially since I can totally relate to it. I remember one time thinking I had lost my keys and lo and behold I found them...in the refrigerator right where I dropped them when I was putting the groceries away:laugh: :laugh: I am glad you had another key to get into your house or your story may not have had such a happy ending:smile: .......

    Cheers to all:drinker:


    I would not have been laughing had I not had my spare key. I had two doggies and no keys to my car. I would have had to wake up one of my neighbors who has a key, or call my parents and have them drive over--not a comfortable thought having them driving around in the dark, something they have avoided for the last couple of years. So once again, my extra key proved its worth.

    Your story about the fridge reminded me of something that happened to my mom. She would have been in her late forties when it happened.

    She was rushing around the kitchen, trying to get ready for a houseful of my dad's relatives who were coming to dinner and were to be weekend houseguests as well. Apparently, things were a bit frantic for her. The dishrag came up missing in the midst of the preparations, so she took another out of the drawer and told me to keep an eye out for the first one.

    Dinner came and went, and ice cream was needed to complete the dessert. Mom happened to be the one who opened the freezer, and imagine her surprise when she found a dishrag---frozen solid!!!:noway:

    We laughed about that one for years!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I'm still working hard on everything right now. I'm still not into any kind of new healthy routine, but I am hopeful.
    Barbie, I teach primary students. We're busy all day long with a stop/start type of nearly continuous motion. Apparently though, I haven't burned enough calories in previous years to lose any weight .:grumble:
    Oh! Double digit weight loss!:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Esther: I got my first step counter more than five years ago. The one I have now is really great and I have it in my pocket all the time so I've been paying attention to my steps daily. My husband thinks I'm nuts when I walk up and down the hall at bedtime to get the number of steps I want. In July with long days and good weather I started walking more and began to see that I was getting 10,000 steps by lunchtime (dog walking and line dance made the difference). My goal of 14,000 steps seems like a good idea for August but by fall when the days are shorter and the weather less predictable, I'll go back to 10,000 steps. I've been sick for two days (not too sick to dance, but too sick to go outside for long walks) so my step count has been lower. Last night I walked up and down the hall for an hour while I talked to my cousin on the phone and made it to 14,000 steps. I don't know what the total will be today. I took a two hour nap this afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen----I'm glad you're home safely. You'll be back to your old routine soon.

    :flowerforyou: Barb----you make everything into an adventure and a story. What a healthy attitude. I love how your doggies like to walk with you.

    Marie----you continue to be so balanced about your challenges with your knees. Maintaining is a good thing. Think about all the years you didn't maintain.

    HeatherMMB----we're back to cooler weather in Washington. I've lived in places with cool, wet summers for so long that the heat really knocks me out.

    doobiedoo---congratulations on losing another pound. Keep up the good work.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie----congratulations on your double digit weight loss. I used to teach primary grades and felt like I was busy and moving all the time but the weight didn't come off until I started walking four miles after work and watching what I ate and I didn't have any real long term success until MFP and tracking food and adding exercise. I hope you enjoy teaching as much as I did.

    I'm headed for bed early again. I'm teaching a dance again at line dance tomorrow and want to feel healthy.
    hugs to all,:heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I kept my great nephew today while his mother took his new baby sister for a recheck so I didn't get to workout until mid afternoon. I was about halfway into the 4 Fast Miles DVD when hubby came home and made himself a rootbeer float and sat on the couch nearby. I was glistening rather profusely and asked him, "Hon, what is wrong with this picture? Here I am leaking buckets while you eat ice cream." To which he repied, "Nothing. Looks great to me."

    :explode: Oh how I have to fight envy when I hear some of you talking about how much help your spouse is.:sick:

    We had a Chinese potluck at the inlaws tonight. I made beef broccoli using reduced sodium products and noone seemed to even notice. That is until my nephew picked up the bottle of low sodium soy sauce and said, "Who bought the diet soy sauce?" Lord help me!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I'm pretty stoked about losing 2 inches in my abdomen, 3/4 of an inch in my hips and 1/2 an inch in my waist since last week. I'm also down a pound. Now if I can just keep the momentum going over the weekend.

    Busy day ahead getting me and the car ready for a trip to Albuquerque tomorrow to see Ken before his next chemo. PLUS my usual Friday mowing and such. Looks like I'll be making a solo road trip as hubby can't get off work, being the newest employee on a week when everyone seems to want off. Off to mow before it gets too hot. Happy Friday ladies! :drinker:
  • Good Morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have an unexpected day off which is lovely - makes me feel rich when I have a WHOLE day I wasn't expecting [one of my managers changed her vacation days so I took the opportunity for a long weekend - and the sun is shinning with NO rain:happy: ]

    :bigsmile: Doobiedoo - way to go - 1 pound is one less pound to carry around!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :laugh: Marie - your story of the dishcloth made me laugh -and reminded me of a time when my mom was making a big meal for the whole kit and kaboodle - she and I were in the kitchen and in moving the roast from the pan to the plate dropped it on the floor:noway: so we stood there looking at each other and then without talking just picked it up - wiped it off and served it :noway: everybody said it was one of the best meals they'd ever had! My mom and I just smiled! :wink:

    :smile: Bonnie - congrats on the double digits :flowerforyou: I am right behind you!! [3 to be gone and I will be int the doubles] :happy:

    Suezz - good on ya for just keeping to your plan even if the other half doesn't support - and 2 inches off you abdomen !- :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: hearing that helps me stay motivated!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Congratulations to all those 'dropping' those pesky pounds:flowerforyou: I don't like to say that I am "losing" weight because I don't want to ever find them again not like my keys:laugh: :laugh:

    The sun is shining for a little while right now but the forecast is AGAIN saying rain with temperatures close to freezing tonite:explode: So much for August weather! However, there are many good things about the cooler weather like no extra expensive from running my air conditioner!

    Yesterday I took it easy on the exercises and did a short stationary ride...today the plan is to do a Biggest Loser Bootcamp Workout (modified to accommodate my knees of course) and a non-aggressive bike ride outside. The other day when I went for a short bike ride was such a joyful experience:smile:

    Keep dropping those pounds, thinking positive thoughts and drinking lots and lots of water:drinker:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm having a busy hard week trying to stay on track. I'm on vacation from work, but I'm the summer camp co-ordinator for our local soccer league and we have our camp this week. So, I'm out on the soccer field everyday (drinking plenty of water at least) sitting and watching all day.

    The coaches are from England, so we are doing the tourista thing in the evenings. Last night we took them to see the Albuquerque Isatopes (minor league baseball).

    This is my last year doing the camp as my kids are too old to go to it anymore. Eventhough, it's been fun I will be glad tomorrow at noon when it is over!

    School starts next week and it will be a lot easier to get myself back on track when everyone else is.

    Suzzzque- Sorry to hear Ken needs chemo. May I ask where you are coming from when you go to Albuquerque? I'm about 37 miles east and south of I-40.

    Happy Friday all! Good luck with your weekend,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have an unexpected day off which is lovely - makes me feel rich when I have a WHOLE day I wasn't expecting [one of my managers changed her vacation days so I took the opportunity for a long weekend - and the sun is shinning with NO rain:happy: ......

    :laugh: Marie - your story of the dishcloth made me laugh -and reminded me of a time when my mom was making a big meal for the whole kit and kaboodle - she and I were in the kitchen and in moving the roast from the pan to the plate dropped it on the floor:noway: so we stood there looking at each other and then without talking just picked it up - wiped it off and served it :noway: everybody said it was one of the best meals they'd ever had! My mom and I just smiled! :wink: .......

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :bigsmile:

    Hi Heather.

    You are not the only one around here w/an unplanned day off. Last night I was talking to my boss about how draining it has been to deal with my friend's financial and day to day needs while she has been ill, and he said. You've go the time and we only work 4 hours on Friday, why don't you take it off. I had originally thought I might just go in an hour late to complete the week, but when I woke up this morning, I decided he was right, so I called and said "See ya Monday!!":drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Then I went back to bed for 3 hours!!:yawn:

    I bet yours is sweeter than mine because you got more hours off!!:laugh:

    BTW, although Marie did lose her keys in the refrigerator, it was MY mom who "stored" the dishrag in the freezer!!:laugh: :laugh: But I also laughed at keys in the fridge. That was what reminded me of the dishrag story.

    Now for a quick WOO HOO!!!!:drinker: :drinker: I posted another 2 pounds "gone forever" when I weighed this morning. I hope to eliminate a couple of more by the time the weekend is over.!!

    By for now, have to leave for an appointment

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