Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Today was the first day of school. It went well and all of my children went home safely. I stayed late and got ready for tomorrow.
    July...I lost two of the three pounds I'd planned, because I spent so much time losing the same pound over and over again.:grumble:
    August goals: Lose at least one more pound so I can say that I've lost in the double digits!:laugh:
    Drink my water. Get up early enough to exercise and pack a lunch before school.:yawn:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Evening Ladies:wink: OH MY GOD I got on the scale this morning and I don't know if it was the kick boxing or running up and down the stairs or all the cantelope and watermelon I have been eating but I am down to 188.:noway: I got on the scale 3 times just to make sure. :laugh: I even had a nurse (I work in a nursing home and we use their scale to weigh in on Monday) to tell me what it said just to make sure.....:happy: . I guess that buffet didn't hurt as bad as I thought.:wink: But I won't press my luck very often. Thank you so much for all the words of encouragement. My goal this month is to avoid Buffets :laugh: and do more kick boxing. I am going to visit my mother for 4 days, she lives 3 hours away, and I won't have access to a computer. I'm leaving Wednesday after work and won't be back until Sunday night. I am taking my log sheets to keep track of food and exercise. I won't have a problem sticking to my diet and doing my exercises while I'm gone. My mother is 73, weighs about 125 lbs. (if that), walks 3 miles a day, eats low fat and low sodium. My goals for this month are to :flowerforyou: STAY AWAY FROM BUFFETS.
    :flowerforyou: find exercises to get rid of the wiggly flab I'm getting.
    :flowerforyou: eat more veggies and fruits.
    :flowerforyou: get into a size 14
    Remember to:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water. :heart: Love to all.....Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    That is great Rosemary. Good work. I did pretty good today. Started off slow. I had a really bad sinus headache that slowed me down. This afternoon it went away and I mowed the lawn and then we went for our hour walk around the campus. My calories were great and great on water also. 188 sounds so good. Hopefully I will be there soon. Hubby is taking another vacation day tomorrow so hopefullly we can get some extra exercise in. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    When I added my signature I noticed that my ticker is gone. How do I get both to show up?
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Never mind. i got it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Vicki :flowerforyou: In January my husband weighed 20 pounds more than me. By March he weighed the same and in April he weighed less. He finally reached his goal in May and now I finally weigh than him again. I wish you the best on your goal to weigh less than hubby.:bigsmile:

    Esther:flowerforyou: it's so good to have you back. I look forward to hearing from you regularly. Ypu have helped me so much.

    Marie:flowerforyou: I wish you the very best in finding the solution to what is bugging your knees. Your never give up attitude is an inspiration.

    Bonnie:flowerforyou: what age kids do you teach? Do you get to do active things with them?

    Rosemary:flowerforyou: I'll miss you while you're gone. You're so fortunate that your mother will be an encouragement and help instead of a roadblock to your eating and exercising. Have fun:bigsmile:

    today I found time for line dance, a visit to the dog park (there were two poodles to play with my girls) and a three mile walk (it was cool enough mid afternoon to walk :bigsmile: ). When Jake gets off the stationery bike it will be my turn.

    I'm fasting tonight before my yearly blood test so no food for 12 hours :sad: :sad: :sad: I won't know the results until my appointment in two weeks but I'm hoping for good results. Every year I say that next year I'll eat healthier and have a better check-up.. This is the first time I've actually eaten better:laugh: :laugh:

    hugs to all :love: :love: :heart: :heart:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings to all my MFP friends. Last week was a respite for me. I only had the youngest boy at home and we sanded, stained and varnished the dining room floor; then I worked at the PO Thurs, Fri and Sat. We ate at the Chinese Buffet last Sunday and I enjoyed it. I didn't record calories or post any last week, but it was a good week. I am ready to get back with it and get some pounds moving. I read something today: It is better to have peace of mind than a piece of cake!! I liked that. How often do we go ahead and eat that piece of cake and then hate ourselves for doing it?! Peace of mind goes a long way toward keeping on...Have a good Tuesday (I work at the PO all this week also).
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,

    All is well as I continue to get my knee back from surgery. I took Scrappy Tu my Bichon for a 1/2 mile round trip walk yesterday (with the brace on) and all went well. I have to take it slow but I expect to be able to do more this month.

    I have enjoyed reading all the goals for August and I have mine listed below. I so appreciate all your sharing.

    It is late and I am sleepy so I'll say goodnight for now.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning Vicki:laugh: your ticker is back:laugh: I had the same problem when I updated.
    Thank you Barbie. Your looking mighty skinny in your picture. I was thinking of you the other night when I was dancing with my grandson to the Bee Gees in my daughters livingroom. I will miss you too. But boy do I need a break from my hubby and job. Hope all have a wonderful, dry, cool, and healthy day. And remember to drink:drinker: drink::drinker: drink :drinker: that water. Love to all:heart: Rosemary
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning All

    I'm alive and well Just busy

    I'm tagging this so I can find you in "my topics" if I ever get more time

    Hanging in there okay for July goals Want to lose 10 in August

    Have a great day

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Sounds like we're all getting back on or have been on the right track. We can do this.

    I'm off to watch some adorable 1 & 2 year olds at our church while their mommies go to Bible Study. I just love those little hugs!

    I'll be back later.


    p.s. I think my goal for August is to try to lose at least 1# a week.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I'm glistening from my 4 mile walk/jog. Exercising is SURE more enjoyable since hubby got our AC working right again.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hi everyone. I had planned on taking my daughter's bike out for a ride yesterday but the weather turned bad. I am going to Zumba class tonight. Maybe the bike tomorrow. My Zumba instructor will be gone for a week this month. I will miss it so. My son's girlfriend, however, also teaches Zumba but at a different location. Maybe I can talk her into a class in exchange for dinner..:laugh:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening ladie:smile: What is Zumba? Can't write much tonight gotta finish packing.:wink: Everyone stay safe, healthy and drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water. :heart: Talk to ya'll in 5 days. Love:heart: and Hugs:flowerforyou: to all....Rosemary
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Liann- What happened to your knee? How long before it heals?

    I had/have a bad knee from a fall and a car accident. For a long time I couldn't do much. A sports trainer suggested that I get the soft braces from the grocery store and where them on both knees when I excercise until I was back to normal.

    It worked. It took a couple of years but now I can do everything without them.

    The logic is that if one knee is bad you compensate by putting more stress/pressure on the good knee. By supporting both you heal faster.

    I don't know about the faster, but I do believe it worked.

    Good luck and hang in there.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Good evening to all. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It has been a beautiful day here----fog in the morning that didn’t burn off until well after noon. I took the girls to the dog park pretty early after completing my 12 hour fast and getting blood drawn for my yearly lab work. I spent the rest of the morning doing important chores around the house while Jake played golf. After making lunch for myself I went for an 80 minute walk. I rode the exercise bike for about 20 minutes while watching TV after supper. Then we went out for another walk. I want to take advantage of the nice weather. I am so grateful for it after all the heat we had last week.

    :flowerforyou: Doobiedoo----I like that saying about having peace of mind rather than a piece of cake. I am always looking for peace of mind.

    :flowerforyou: Lianne—Scrappy Tu must have been so happy to go for a walk with you. I saw some Bichons at the dog park today and thought of you. You have been so good about following directions taking care of your leg.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary----I’m glad you’re getting a much needed break. Enjoy yourself in every way except eating bad stuff, and then you’ll come back thinner and happier. And remember to drink that water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Bon voyage

    :flowerforyou: Heather----keep on keeping on and you’ll lose those pounds. You’ve done great so far.

    :flowerforyou: Esther----glad you’re back with us.

    :flowerforyou: Becky
    keep on dancing---it’s good for your brain, your attitude, and your waistline

    Jake and the dogs are eating popcorn:laugh: :laugh: fortunately I have my cereal and yogurt so I can resist what they are eating.
    hugs to all :heart: :heart:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    The sun is shining and despite it being a bit on the chilly side it is a beautiful day:smile:

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

    We had a bad storm here yesterday, in fact I just heard on the news that there had been a tornado warning for us!!! So glad that didn't happen especially since I was completely unaware of the threat of it:noway: . A couple of years ago 11 miles from us, a tornado struck and there was absolute devastation. The amazing thing is not one person was injured. It has been called a miracle and if you seen the destruction you might say the same thing.

    My internet was acting up yesterday so I didn't get online last night (probably from the storm)...now there appears to be something wrong with my router and I cannot use my laptop...I don't like being tied down by my desktop so I must rectify that situation:laugh: :laugh:

    I got in a short non-strenous bike ride yesterday and it felt wonderful:bigsmile: The physiotherapist said I could try it and see if it would be ok and if it wasn't to go back to my 10 minutes on the stationary bike. I was cautious and didn't over do it and then iced my both knees as recommended and there wasn't any serious damage done. Oh, the things we are grateful for:smile:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and you do something nice for yourself:flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Can you believe we would ever be GLAD to work up a sweat? The things we learn as we age....

    Finally got around to strength training just before lunchtime today. I kept getting interrupted by phone calls that really couldn't wait. Such is life....

    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday to you all. And don't forget to drink all your water. :drinker:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I had 5 children today but did very well. Did not get my workout in yet, but hubby just called and we will go when he gets home. Ate very well. I made them chocolate chip cookies for after lunch and they smelled so good. I ate my jello pudding instead so I did not have one. i did taste a bite later, but only a bite. I was going to have one but one cookie according to the package was 130 calories. It was not worth cheating on that. And to think there was a time I probably ate a dozen or so each time I baked them. All my caloires for the day and I didn't even know it. We had trouble with AC yesterday. Actually it was working fine but could not keep up with heat. Today I had to bump up the temp so it could keep up and not run all day like yesterday. It is hot out but we sat outside for a few hours this afternoon and it really had a nice breeze under the trees. Hopefully we will get some rain or some relief from the heat soon. Electric bill will not be nice. Hope you all have good rest of day.
    Vicki M
    PS. I forgot I lost nearly another pound this week.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing well. I am so glad.
    Barbie, just how is dancing good for the brain? Anyway, I have no intentions of stopping. I love it.