sausagelegs Member


  • hey i did the velocity followed the instructions to a 'T' and lost a **** load of weight lost about 20 pounds in 4 weeks and was RIPPED - (i looooove to train) i noticed i got stronger fitter and felt AMAZING was more of a challenge for myself - can i do this........etc dont knock it til youve tried it, its on the…
  • Wow women!!! listen to yourself....this other girl skinnier...bla bla bla grow some confidence play the game strut yourself get that attention he will feel like **** and never look anywhere else again....i agree with the fact that notebook is stupid but i also believe that respect is KEY to a relationship and if you dont…
  • im just starting the IF so im gonna check back in on this one i train twice a day most days and lift heavy weights there is NO way im letting that go... but id be interested to see if im doing my body damage by doing this.... if im drinking shakes (protein) before exercise and eating lots after in the 8 hour window i…
  • WOW guys just checked back had no idea there were so many comments..... im not going to reply to everyone individually thanks for all the ideas completely love the idea of eggs and salmon with some wholemeal toast and cant believe that it is below the calories of one bowl of cereal at times..... i dont think i mean 100g i…
  • BAD Carbs/ sugars etc are ADDICTIVE meaning when you so suddenly remove them from diet you are bound to crave and feel the emptiness of what these foods once gave you - give it a couple of weeks and you'll be fine make sure you are correctly logging everything you are eating im 5'3 weigh 60kg and never eat over 1,200…
  • hmmmmmm lemon and sugar............MUST get off this forum im getting hungry already and as soon as i have one i WILL NOT STOP.........haha im useless absolutely no self control - still in debate about whether to have it ill decide after lunch
  • meat meat meat - try not to eat any carbs for a few days this includes cereals and bread pasta rice - cut down on ANYTHING with sugar in it and JUST eat protein lean - you'll see dramatic effect if you stick to this and drink lots of water!