shalim1972 Member


  • Note: Do not sabotage yourself saying you deserve a treat. Think about what this "treat" really represents. The right to live a HEALTHY life is a treat, and should be the one and only treat. When you need a treat, Do your nails, comb your hair differently. Hug and embrace yourself, for YOU are the best TREAT you can give…
  • Keep in mind, salad ( no dressing ) is crucial on your diet, tons of it, they help you push the body's unneeded matter . If you made a commitment with your self to stay healthy, you will find the love on a good salad. Play with different types of green leaves to make it different and you will never be bored. Try adding…
  • Do not think about the words Thin or Fit. It seems you have to find that emotion that makes you loose it. When in urge to eat find an escape hobby. Commit with yourself, to go around the block every time you have the urge, or go up and down the stairs for 10 minutes, or leg lifts. If physical activity is not possible (and…
  • Forgive yet do not forget what you have done and how it made you feel. Playback the entire day and every crumb you ate. Find those feelings and thoughts you were having when consuming all those foods to the point of sickness. Remember you are special and unique, regroup, we all make mistakes. Love yourself above all…
  • Are you going to have fun on this schedule?. For me workouts must be fun or in between something fun (for the soul) should be added. Not sure what your schedule is, but I love to toss the frisbee for a 2ple hours when the weather allows it. It also allows quality time with loved ones and family members. Finding groups for…