blacksterbmw Member


  • And just for the doubters pubmed - look it up Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise. Blomstrand E, Eliasson J, Karlsson HK, Köhnke R. Source Department of Surgical Science, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Abstract BCAAs (leucine,…
  • Its more beneficial in the long run to have a cheat day if you want to really see a change in body composition, its one thing to lose weight on scale but most of us want to look good naked and that's by lower body fat and more muscle tone, just eating what you want and staying inside calories will never achieve that look,…
  • You cant argue with the science m8 lol plus results speak for themselves lol
  • BCAA's are primarily used to build muscle and also fuel muscle so they prevent the muscle from getting broken down during training. Any brand will do really but the Dymatiize recoup seems to be the best out there at the moment. They also activate the Mtor pathway in ur genes sending signals to grow muscle and lose fat.
  • Can't argue there
  • Only thing pre workout you should really need is a good meal 2-3 hrs before hand then half hr before training and during drink BCAA's.
  • If you are training hard with weights and plenty of cardio then 1 or 2 days a week will be good for you. I'd personally only go for 2 half days and eat everything you want as it will spike your metabolism and keep the fat burning, especially if you are being strict during the week.