Killsocket Member


  • Don't be worried or embarrassed. You are trying to do something about it. That takes guts. I always think I would rather see these people watching me busting my butt on a treadmill or something than to have them see me chowing down at a restaurant. But no one is embarrassed at a restaurant. This is something positive you…
  • Just dont want 20 replies saying get rid of Coke. I want to get an idea how today stacks up to where I wasnt eating enough calories yesterday. Paranoid maybe :)
  • Would you guys and gals be so kind and glance at today's diary of mine? Other than Coke... is this more like it? Thanks in advance. I really appreciate all the help you all have offered.
  • Thanks everyone for their input. It's overwhelmingly positive that the answer is eat more. My coworker was right confirmed by you all. I guess I was too competitive and instead of struggling to stay under, I need to work to get to my calorie goal. Here goes day 1 on that.
  • The 40/30/30 thing is where I would like to start. I can adjust. I just want to be sure I am not in left field. I know people are helping and getting lots of responses, but is it a matter of just eating MORE of my diet (I want to add in more fruits and veggies and plan too, that was a glaring hole).
  • Good question. I was a dummy and thought "I'll show MFP" and eat considerably less to "beat" the calories. However, I am not hungry between my small meals and am very comfortable (hunger wise) aside from energy. My competitiveness got the best of me I guess. It sounds like it either is impossible or not wise to try to add…
  • My goal is 40% carbs 30% protein and fats. I started like 3 weeks ago and down 9 but I am hoping to do a "kill two birds..." by adding muscle while losing weight. Thus the protein. (I will view exercise forum for more on that) but my big immediate concern is energy level.