

  • I'm sure it's just muscle gain. Buy measuring tape! Or better yet, get a body fat percentage calculator. The scale will lie to you about your true fat loss. Pay more attention to how your old clothes fit. Try to get into those once super-tight jeans. THAT is what will let you know if you're truly losing weight. Good luck!…
  • Thanks new posters. Everyone on this site is so sweet! It's really comforting as this is the first diet that I've really stuck to and i need all the support I can get! <3
  • Thanks you guys. I've been reading articles since I posted this and I know it's probably just water weight and I know for a fact I've been eating too much sodium (we're broke and I've been eating hamburger helper and crap a couple days this week.. ugh) But I know I'm just freaking out over something small that happens to…
  • Oh good viewpoint! I mean I've already told myself that once I reach my goal weight that I will continue to count calories to STAY at that weight vs. just going back to eating whatever I want. So this really will be a lifestyle and not just a diet eventually. I will never stop counting calories. I was pretty thin in high…
  • Wow CONGRATS on the 100lbs! That's amazing!!
  • You look SO good! Seriously congrats to you. What an inspiration!!