LadyALB Member


  • Hi Dave, You are correct about fat burning. It's actually a much more efficient energy source for endurance. It's a total win-win. I have friends who are cross country cyclists and they have switched to fat burning and swear it's the only way to go. In order to jump-start my LCHF (low carb-high fat) diet, I am doing what…
    in Starting Comment by LadyALB May 2015
  • Hi Dave, I will be along for this ride as well. I actually started yesterday. I have done Atkins in the past with great success, but weak as I am, once I reached my goal I, of course thought I could handle it on my own. Needless to say, I gained my weight back. I have tried Atkins again more recently with almost zero…
    in Starting Comment by LadyALB May 2015
  • Some of my favorite breakfasts are left-overs from dinner. I also do coconut oil. I put it in my coffee or just take a tablespoon by mouth which may be off-putting at first but you really don't feel the oil in the mouth and you are left with a mild coconut taste. The added fat and calories keep me going for a hours. It…
  • I've done Atkins in the past (about 10 years ago) with great success and now I've returned and am in my 4th week of induction. I love the energy but I have also started using coconut oil to get extra fat in my diet. I cook with it, put it in my coffee or just take a tablespoon straight in the morning and I make little…
  • I'm just beginning my 4th week on induction. The first 3 weeks I didn't loose an ounce. I had done Atkins several years ago and it worked extremely well but I have been told that the 2nd time around it isn't so easy although being in mild to moderate ketosis the entire time. I was encouraged to hold strong and persist,…
  • I just got one for Christmas and started using it yesterday. So far, so good. It's a great motivator to keep moving. I just love all my digital tools. Thank you MFP and FitBit! On my way to success, I can feel it. Just noticed something strange, my profile shows I joined MFP in July 2012 but I never even heard of MFP until…