

  • I CANT SEE THE DANG PICS!!! But, I've seen you in person and YES you look FANTABULOUS!! GREAT JOB...I alway knew you were an overacheiver...lol! Just kidding!
  • OMG Chicken (the name says it all) 1c sour cream (can use light or fat free or can substitue greek yogurt, or mayo) 1c shredded parmesan cheese (not the powder kind used on pizza and spaghetti, but REAL shredded parmesan) 1/2c italian bread crumbs salt pepper Put chicken on baking sheet, lined with foil (for easier clean…
  • I just added you! I'm 32, have 4 children and I have lost 20, but have 60 more to go! I welcome any encouragement and will give it as well!
  • I need added support and encouragement as well. You can add me if you like. I have lost 20 pounds of my 80 pound goal and I have STALLED! I need all the help and support I can get!
  • I have two good recipies and they are both really quick to throw together too! Take your boneless skinless chicken breast and lay them on a baking sheet. Salt and Pepper the chicken then apply a mixture of 1/2 sour cream and 1/2 shredded parmesan cheese (NOT the stuff you sprinkle on spaghetti and pizza, but actual…
  • For breakfast, I have a protein shake. I mix I serving of protein powder (vanilla flavored), 1/2c. of 2% milk, 3/4c of Dole frozen wildley nutruitous frozen fruit and about a teaspoon of honey, and about 1/2c of ice. Throw them in the blender for about 30 seconds and I have myself a DELICIOUS breakfast of about 260…
  • @busygymmom - what part of NC are you from?
  • I know what you mean. My oldest daughter is in color guard for her high school marching band and the past few weeks have been difficult for me with all the stadium food. The throw in a birthday or two...cake, cookies, ice cream, hot dogs and chips...and I've been slipping too! And on top of all that, with the cooler…
  • So nice to meet you! How long have you been at it? I see you have a 27 pound loss! GREAT JOB!