jewelsbehm Member


  • That sounds interesting! I make a blueberry flaxseed muffin a lot for breakfast, but I'd love to explore more recipes like that. I may have to check that out, thanks!
  • Hi there! No, you are definitely not alone. :) Glad you found your way here. I went gluten free in February and it's made such a difference. Those first few weeks are really rough as you try to figure out what you can and can't eat and how to cope in various situations. I'm still learning! I, too, had stopped using MFP for…
  • Thanks for the book recommendation. Just looked it up and it sounds really interesting. Looking forward to diving into it!
  • Hi, I'm Julie and I'm just beginning my journey to figure out my food allegies and sensitivities. Turns out I'm allergic to pork. I don't eat beef or chicken, so now pork is out, too. Thank God fish and turkey were okay. The test for food sensitivities showed that I'm sensitive to amaranth, asparagus, avocado, carrots,…
  • I need a break from my flaxseed muffin that I eat every morning and this sounds delicious! Thanks for posting. :)
  • Hi Katie! I just went gluten free on February 1st and yes, those first few shopping trips were so hard! It does get easier though I'm still learning. :) Feel free to add me if you're interested.
  • I just received the results of my food allergy and sensitivity testing last Saturday. Turns out I'm allergic to pork. I don't eat beef or chicken, so now pork is out, too. Thank God fish and turkey were okay. The test for food sensitivities showed that I'm sensitive to amaranth, asparagus, avocado, carrots, cauliflower,…
  • I just went gluten free at the beginning of February. I'm amazed at what a difference it has made. No official diagnosis, but there is some definant intolerance or sensitivity going on. I'm always open to new friends if you are interested. I just opened my diary (yikes, that's nerve wracking!) as I figure that'll help keep…
  • Hi, my name is Julie and I live in Anchorage, Alaska. Like a few others, I've already gotten rid of a lot of clothing that's too big or that I just don't like after all. But there are still some things I need to get rid of and there will be more in the future. :) Now I'm all excited to go home and start sorting through…
  • While preparing for relocation I gave away most of my book collection. Thousands of books. In return, I promised myself a Kindle. Got one of the plain keyboard Kindles and I love it. Wouldn't go back. I can take all my books with me and I have so much free space in my home now. Totally worth it. :)
  • I was tested in high school and several times since then. Always come out as an INFP. Very accurate!
  • LOL, there are many days I prefer my bunny's company to that of other people. :)
  • I've got a darling bunny named Hopper that I rescued last year. I'm allergic to cats and dogs, but to my great joy and surprise, I'm not allergic to bunnies. :) She's my spoiled little diva! Almost forgot, that's her in my profile picture.