KL_24 Member


  • hmmm okay i didnt order it yet so maybe i wont bother! Thanks!
  • Yeah i think im going to check whole foods and GNC first at home then il order it off amazon if necessary! Thank you!
  • Great..thanks for all the opinions! Love getting mixed reviews so I know both sides. I'm a big peanut butter fan and can eat a whole jar plain if I wanted to lol. A scoop here and there adds up for sure. Lately I've been good at school and only taking 1 tbsp at a time but at home its harder to resist because I know I can…
  • thanks everyone!!! I've never even heard of white tea (I'm not a tea/coffee drinker at all if you guys couldnt tell!..i'm more of a hot chocolate person) but im definitely up for trying it. Thanks for all the opinions and suggestions..i really appreciate it!
  • If you lost inches but gained weight..i assume its most likely just muscle mass. Results from the mirror are more reliable than numbers on a scale. It's tough sometimes to believe that because most people are all about the numbers but the mirror tells all
  • I have one more week left with insanity and i must say my cardio/fitness definitely improved. The only reason i know i havent been seeing the results i wanted is because i cheated with my diet. I am completely regretting it now and im going to keep doing month 2 over and over (with a strict CLEAN diet this time) until I…
  • Great advice, thanks everyone!
  • Great idea. And indulging in a cookie or two isnt too bad right? Just dont go overboard?
  • Christmas is coming and I don't know about anyone else but I love to bake for the holidays whether its cookies or any type of dessert! Any suggestions on how to get through these holidays? I still want to make desserts and whatnot but i want to make sure i dont eat them all so I need some willpower!
  • does anyone know the correct windows of time you should have your pre and post workout snacks/meals? i've heard different things like 1-2 hours or just 30 min so i'm not too sure
  • I heard chocolate milk is one of the best things for post workouts because it has the necessary carbs and sugar to refuel your body. Anyone else agree/have a different opinion?
  • So glad I found this group! I'm a 19 year old sophomore majoring in Elementary Education. I've played sports my whole life and continued on in college. I play volleyball right now for my school and I love it! Glad to have found some people my age on here! Just trying to get in better shape and tone up a bit for myself as…
  • Ha I agree..can't live without almonds and peanut butter thats for sure! Thanks!
  • Thanks for the info everyone! I think most of my fat content (if not all) comes from peanut butter (I only have 1 tbsp at a time), almonds (1 oz), the oil from Italian dressing, and the occasional hummus (2 oz). Should I cut these foods out of my diet or keep them? I heard it is essential to have some fats within one’s…
  • cool cool im gonna try to force myself to log in what i eat bc then i know i wont go completely overboard!
  • Great thanks everyone! Love all the advice and support from everyone on here rather than hearing the same old stuff from my family hahaha. Also, does everyone plan on still tracking everything they eat on Thanksgiving (or any holiday)? Sometimes when I know I am going overboard I tend not to bother logging it in which I…
  • I'm going to have a lot of self control for that one hahaha it'll be hard to pick just one dessert thats for sure..thanks for the advice!
  • does anyone else feel guilty when they cant make it through a full workout without a break or two? I was doing pure cardio today and had to take a few ten second breaks during some of the workouts. Is that a normal thing?
  • I'm really big on unsalted almonds! Quick, easy, and healthy!
  • I am not sure if i'm the only one not doing the nutrition plan that comes with it..let me know! I am 19 and a college athlete so I am doing a nutrition plan i found on www.oneresult.com instead..its a great resource for workouts and nutrition if anyone wants to take a look!
  • I'm on week 3 of insanity! It's great. I love how the workouts are only 40 min but so rewarding afterwards! I die when I have to do ski abs/in and outs for the plyometric cardio circuit but other than that i am lovin it. Cant wait to see some results!