

  • totally agree with sbedford! heart rate vERY important, if u not n the range ur not in total fat burning mode :)
  • ur body needs a shock....1 wk cardio for hr around a level wk 20 min of intense up & down like example on the treadmill stay between a 5-8mph up and down WHOLE time... make sure ur eating a balance of carbs, fat, & protein, carbs store fat for example, not good "just" to eat a lean cuisuine... make sense? try…
  • hi people! my name is anna, im 36 and i joined last night...i was surfing the internet TRYING TO find something to hold me accountable & beable to b linked to facebook so i could hold myself accountable with my friends as well...i have always wanted to compete in a fitness competition but havent had the disclipline to get…
  • i "almost" made my private, but im only cheating myself, and i really have some goals i want to reach :) i think its just personal preference.... BUT dont deny urself....the accountability is AWESOME :)