Should I make my diary public?

Hi all!

I can't decide if I should make my food diary public or not. I must have changed it at least 10 times back and forth between private and public to friends (it's private now). I feel like it's best to keep it public as it is more accountability, but I get embarrassed by some of my food choices. Who knows if anyone is even looking. But I'm curious what you all do?



  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I keep mine public. It helps with the motivation/accountability part. However, it also can be beneficial if I'm having difficulty loosing weight or have questions. People can look and make suggestions.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I fully expect people to give me crap about the crap I eat. That's why they are on my friends list.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Just make it viewable by friends. They'll keep you accountable. The only reason, I see, to make your diary viewable by all would be if you had a question you'd liked answered by the community and they'd need to look at what you're doing. Good luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi all!

    I can't decide if I should make my food diary public or not. I must have changed it at least 10 times back and forth between private and public to friends (it's private now). I feel like it's best to keep it public as it is more accountability, but I get embarrassed by some of my food choices. Who knows if anyone is even looking. But I'm curious what you all do?


    I did have mine set to private, just for me at the beginning, but then I realised that there was nothing to stop me cheating and pretending (both to myself and others) that what I was eating was all good, nutritious stuff with no junk thrown in. However, I changed it so that others could see it to make me accountable and also I figures pride would keep me on the straight and narrow if everybody knew - this is when pride really is useful :laugh:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Mine's private. There are some people on here who think the only way to lose weight is to eat completely cleanly, and while most of them seem incredibly nice, there are a few who will tell you you're doing it wrong. I just figure it's my business and I'm an adult. I can 1. keep myself accountable, and 2. make my food decisions. If I want chocolate, I will eat it. It's up to you though. I think it depends on what keeps you doing this. Some people will quit if they weigh themselves every day and some people will work harder when they see those little fluctuations daily on the scale. Some people would lie if they were too nervous about what others might think of their diaries, but having a public diary will help keep other people honest. I figure you should do what works for you. If you're too nervous about having it public, don't do it. Whatever you do, make sure it is a catalyst for your weight-loss and not likely to make you lie to others or yourself.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I don't think it's that big of a deal, but if you are embarrassed by the possibility of someone seeing what you ate and get into the habit of logging before you eat it can become a powerful tool. My diary has been public for months and nothing bad has happened to me :wink:

    Plus I like to look at other's diaries for ideas, so I keep mine open as a potential public service :flowerforyou:
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Totally agree with the posters above. A lot of people don't make their diary public for the simple fact that they KNOW they aren't eating well and don't want flack from MFP people... Don't understand how you want to commit to a goal, but then don't commit... I often see the same behaviour in eating - example: don't want people to know what they're eating, so they are closet eaters, eat in their car alone, hide wrappers etc... So, by being true, you then cannot hide and may help you deal with other issues like "why do I feel embarassed my choices" and "where does this feeling originate?"

    That being said, I eat what I eat... 99% time I am good at staying on the nutritional track - but I'm human and like to have some indulgence sometimes... So do what works for you and if being more accountable will help, then make it public to your friends, and if not, then keep it private.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    I keep mine public incase I have questions. I'm sure there aren't people out there just trolling peoples diary's. My own mother rarely gets in to see mine.

    Also, It's an accountability thing for me. If I know that anyone can see it, then i'm more apt to make healthy choices.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I keep mine viewable to friends. A little bit to keep me accountable... but I am an adult, and if I want to have something that other people may frown on - oh well! If I choose to eat it, I log it. Mainly I have nothing to hide, so why shouldn't I let my friends see my diary?? I enjoy reading others diaries to get ideas for different foods I may not have tried or thought of! And - sometimes when my friends see my diary, they have a suggestion for something similar to what I have eaten but has fewer calories, etc. I've found it really helpful. It's completely a personal choice!! :-)
  • focusqueen
    i "almost" made my private, but im only cheating myself, and i really have some goals i want to reach :) i think its just personal preference.... BUT dont deny urself....the accountability is AWESOME :)
  • michelle4173
    Thank you all for responding! I changed it back to public to friends and I promise not to change it back! I think keeping it public to friends will help me make better choices in the long run. :smile:
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    Mine's private. There are some people on here who think the only way to lose weight is to eat completely cleanly, and while most of them seem incredibly nice, there are a few who will tell you you're doing it wrong. I just figure it's my business and I'm an adult. I can 1. keep myself accountable, and 2. make my food decisions. If I want chocolate, I will eat it. It's up to you though. I think it depends on what keeps you doing this. Some people will quit if they weigh themselves every day and some people will work harder when they see those little fluctuations daily on the scale. Some people would lie if they were too nervous about what others might think of their diaries, but having a public diary will help keep other people honest. I figure you should do what works for you. If you're too nervous about having it public, don't do it. Whatever you do, make sure it is a catalyst for your weight-loss and not likely to make you lie to others or yourself.

    I agree with this. I have mine public so i dont want to cheat as much but for example today and yesterday i ate chocolate i get a little worried that people will judge but I am only human - i dont want to feel like i am on a diet or restrict myself..and people should be here to support others not to make comments on food what will make you feel good!
  • Shawna_831
    I keep mine public because I really don't care if anyone sees what I eat. If I have a bad day and pig out, well then I guess I'm just human. If someone has the balls to call me out on that, then its whatever. I want people to see that you can still eat "normal", have off days and still lose weight.
  • steppann
    Im glad you asked this question because I have had a hard time making that decision also. Very good advise from many people. Thanks
  • Shawna_831
    I've lost 15lbs now and I eat what I want. I'm an adult and no one will tell me what I should and should not be eating. Most the people who are really here to help with support will NOT say anything negative.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    i LOVE reading everyone's food diaries! it's not to judge, but to see what choices people make and to see if they might work for me, as well. plus, it's fun to see everyone's different tastes in food. don't be embarrassed - we're all in the same boat. one reason this website was created was to offer support for one another and if anyone uses it differently, they need to delete his/her profile. :flowerforyou: