

  • As I said, "DEATH IN A GLASS" that is 1/3 cup of sugar that has NO nutitional value. lets not forget the artery clogging 4 tablespoons of FAT.Mmmm sounds real healthy now that you spelled it out!
  • On this subject it seems everyone has an opinion as to why you should not do it, But, your question was for people that had done it............... I first saw this film on Oct 3rd, 2011. I was so taken by it that I went downstairs and dug out the juicer I had not used since I moved in. I did just 10 days and lost 22…
  • I thought I would see how you are doing. I didn't make it fasting to the new year but I am fasting again. I have lost 76 pounds in the last 6 months without surgery. I think that is about the same rate as someone that has gone through the risk and expense.
  • death in a glass
  • If you don't mind making smothies and the only thing holding you back from a juice fast is cleaning the juicer....I have an easy fix for you. You can run everything through your blender then run that through a nut milk bag. You can get one of those t any health food store. In a couple minutes you will have remover the pulp…
  • I am on day 23 and my nose cleared up about 5 days ago. It was stuffed for the rest of the fast. I am glad to see more people on here. I couldn't get enough support in November and gave up when my juicer broke a gear. I had another juicer but just used it as an excuse to eat. (no one in the house was fasting except me.) It…
  • Hello all, Sorry I have not been on here for a while. My juicer broke and I lost motivation after 21 days and 25 pounds No one else was fasting here for support. I couldn't do it alone. I kept my weight down through about the second week in Dec. But did not keep signing in here, so, the last two weeks of December killed…
  • I just weighed the almonds I have and it was 42...they are kind of small so 1g each is a safe bet...
  • Wow, That is great! Keep up the good work. I shoud take some photos in old clothes. (ones I have pictures in before.) That is a great Idea. I am going to just punch new holes in my current belt and keep it until I hit my goal weight. I have punched 5 new holes so far. That's one for every ten pounds! I love how that shirt…
  • Day 21 I thought about giving up yesterday. I got dressed and was on my way out the door to go get some sushi. I stood there for a minute and decided that if I still needed to get sushi today I could do it. I don't think so this morning. Last night I watched Man v. Food on NetFlix. I watched about 6 episodes. Some of the…
  • Congrats! I hit the same milestone today also.....but......I have a few more than ten to go. Like 105 to go. Good luck on your last ten. Reward yourself with a NON-FOOD prize!
  • Day 20of 60 WOW. Last night I dreamed that I ate everything in sight! I was so upset with myself for ending my juice fast. I wasn't sure when I woke up if I had eaten or not. Until I stepped on the scale. NOPE, must not have. I lost another 1.6 pounds. One more and I will have lost the same already as all last month! It…
  • day 19 I am a little low on energy. Not hungry so havent been juicing enough. I need to drink more juice! lost another pound today. I am getting some pimples. I have been told that may be toxins working thier way out. The rock in my throat has lessened.
  • asyouseefit what have you detoxed from to know what detoxing symptoms are? If it was from the lack of nutrients you would not get past the symptoms as you do when detoxing from other things like drugs and alcohol. The longer you would go without "food" the worse the headaches would get. But they don't. I had terrible…
  • Hey DiddleDiddle I agree with you. I saw a show with Dr.Joel Fuhrman and it got my attention. I did a web search for him and found Fat,Sick & Nearly Dead. I got Netflix to watch that on October 3rd. The next day was the first of a 10 day fast.I lost 22 pounds and felt great. By that time I had read Eat To Live and started…
  • Did I step in something? Everytime I post to a thead, it stops.
  • I am going to watch everyone else eat as I drink my delicious juice...Mmmmmm
  • I did not ridicule you or your decision to have surgery I simply pointed out an option to try before risking your life. Yes there is riisk. 1 in 1000 never make it off the operating table. Not to mention the possible complications. My Ex-wife had the surgery and had some problems but has done well over all. However, She…
  • I'm glad you are losing those extra pounds. Hopefully this surgery works for you. My insurance would not cover bariatric surgery. I didn't have the $40,000 it would cost me either. I have tried diets of all types only to lose about 20 pounds then gain it back plus more. I had a high weight of 333 and felt like I was going…
  • Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )
  • You've come to the right place. Congratulations on taking the first step. There are many roads to health. But, the first thing you need to do is find out just what you are eating. Some people are very surprised when they start to log thier intake. Good luck!
  • Day 17 of 60 WOW! that was a shocker. I stepped on the scale this morning and had lost almost 3 pounds since yesterday! I was sure that my weight loss was slowing down. That is 18.6 pounds in 17 days. I am almost possitive I will not see another loss for a couple days now. But I will keep checking each morning. Any…
  • Day 16 of 60 Well, I was out all day and so I made the mistake of not juicing today. Of course, I didn't eat either, since I am on this 60 day commitment. I was bent down looking on a lower shelf, stood up quickly and you guessed it. "OUT GO DA LIGHTS" I caught myself before I hit the floor. I will remember to take juice…
  • Dr Joel Fuhrman's EAT TO LIVE really opened my eyes. I am fasting for health reasons right now but plan to eat 80-90% vegan when I end the fast.
  • oops guess it was too close to halloween........half sandwich
  • A large...no bigger...get that serving bowl out..thats it...A large salad with all the veggies you can think of without dressing. then eat what you would like for dinner. It will be a ton less than you would have otherwise. At lunch start with an apple or two then a half sandwitch instead of two. If he is full he won't eat…
  • This time next year I WILL be below 220. I Hope to be below 200
  • Day 15 of 60 !/4 the way there. I have lost another pound this morning. I was getting a little discouraged a couple days ago but I have made it 25% of the way already. It is not that hard if you keep your eye on the prize. I looked at my legs today. I have vericose veins...well I used to. I can't see them any more. I can…
  • Day 14 of 60, I have lost 16 pounds as of this morning. I am fitting into some of my old clothes. The pants I was wearing last month would hit the floor if I hadn't punched some new holes in my belt. I am not really experiencing hunger as I have known it. However, yesterday I wanted to eat everything I saw or could smell.…
  • When did you do the 21 days? I am on day 14 today. Yesterday was tough. I almost broke. EVERYTHING smelled wonderful and every injury I have ever had seemed to ache. Did you have any such experiences?