Considering surgery??

I've had two surgeries in my quest to lose weight. One unsuccesful and the other has yet to be determined. But I am losing weight. If you are considering an option to weight loss, contact me, I would enjoy sharing my story in hopes it would help you in making a better decision for yourself.


  • MsKatyBeth
    Did you have the RNY?
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Consider telling your story, I'm sure it will help people.
    Good luck!
  • RodM57
    @MissKatyBeth - I'm not too sure what the means, but I had a lap band in 2009 and a bariatric sleeve in 2011. The band failed and I'm showing good results with the sleeve.
  • Bungee_tyme
    Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )

    That is rediculous. Yes, some people have issues after surgery, but the vast majority of us are doing well and living healthy lives now. Even Dr. Oz advocates bariatric surgery now. If anyone wants to hear my story of losing 200 pounds and keeping it off, send me a message.
  • RodM57
    @TDGee - I have hopes of posting some sort of a blog giving a general over view of the last two years. Pro and cons and things like that. I don't recommend the band after all I've learned about it. Too many things can go wrong. It's a quick and temporary solution to a life long problem.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Maybe he just meant that there are other options besides surgery and was highlighting this movie (I haven't seen it yet) as an inspiration to go another route? I have nothing against surgery but it is expensive and high risk, and not everyone is a good candidate. I don't think that's ridiculous at all.
  • RodM57
    Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )

    Surgery was not my first option, I've struggled for years with trying to keep my weight down, but I also knew I was out of control. I'm weak, I admit it. Surgery was good option for me. (and it didn't cost me a cent)
  • RodM57
    Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )

    That is rediculous. Yes, some people have issues after surgery, but the vast majority of us are doing well and living healthy lives now. Even Dr. Oz advocates bariatric surgery now. If anyone wants to hear my story of losing 200 pounds and keeping it off, send me a message.

    Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones, surgery is working for me at little risk. In fact my health has greatly improved over the past two years. Congratulation on your dedication to losing weight, I'd enjoy hearing your story.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I really hope it all works out for you! It must have been hard coming to that decision.
  • MissBettyBoop2
    MissBettyBoop2 Posts: 32 Member
    Actually the sleeve isn't high risk. It is no more dangerous than having your gall bladder out. Everyone is different, everyone has to weigh the benefits and their risks with their doctors.

    For the vast majority of people, weight loss surgery will save their lives and improve their quality of life!

    P.S. Although I don't advocate the lap band. They take out, just as many as they put it. And many people have scarring of their stomach because of it.
  • Bungee_tyme
    I'm glad you are losing those extra pounds. Hopefully this surgery works for you. My insurance would not cover bariatric surgery. I didn't have the $40,000 it would cost me either. I have tried diets of all types only to lose about 20 pounds then gain it back plus more. I had a high weight of 333 and felt like I was going to die. I cut back and lost about 8 pounds in a couple months then watched Fat,Sick & Nearly Dead on October 3rd. That promted me to start a juice fast the next day. I lost 22 pounds in 10 days! I had always gained weight back after about that much loss. This time something was different. NO CRAVINGS! I ate a plant based diet for the rest of the month and instead of gaining I had lost another 3 pounds. On November 1st I started another juice fast and have lost another 21 pounds in the last 17 days. I have lost 46 pounds in the last 46 days. I no longer crave any food. I know this was the answer for me. Maybe it is the answer for you too. I plan on juice fasting until New Years Eve. I should be able to lose another 30 pounds by then. Good luck to you.
  • Bungee_tyme
    Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )

    That is rediculous. Yes, some people have issues after surgery, but the vast majority of us are doing well and living healthy lives now. Even Dr. Oz advocates bariatric surgery now. If anyone wants to hear my story of losing 200 pounds and keeping it off, send me a message.

    I did not ridicule you or your decision to have surgery I simply pointed out an option to try before risking your life. Yes there is riisk. 1 in 1000 never make it off the operating table. Not to mention the possible complications. My Ex-wife had the surgery and had some problems but has done well over all. However, She has seen people die from it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Before anyone resorts to surgery....spend 97 minutes watching FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD. If you still think surgery is your only option then you will have only spent less than two hours in your research. But it may just save your life. ( and about $40,000 )

    That is rediculous. Yes, some people have issues after surgery, but the vast majority of us are doing well and living healthy lives now. Even Dr. Oz advocates bariatric surgery now. If anyone wants to hear my story of losing 200 pounds and keeping it off, send me a message.

    Someone suggesting options for losing weight is far from Ridiculous!! Surgery is one option but it isn't the ONLY OPTION and it may not be the choice for everyone. You can regain control of your life without surgery. With therapy and support, it is possible to change your path. I choose this route because I needed to fix what was broken first (what was in my head- the reasons why I had aloud myself to get to 560 lbs.) Once I started understanding what caused my depression, food addictions, social phobia's then I was able to start to reverse the process. Yes it has taken alot of hard work and dedication and I have along way to go but there are other options and there is nothing wrong with people have the knowledge to make the best decision for them......
  • Bungee_tyme
    I thought I would see how you are doing. I didn't make it fasting to the new year but I am fasting again. I have lost 76 pounds in the last 6 months without surgery. I think that is about the same rate as someone that has gone through the risk and expense.