katesand10 Member


  • There is a group that started on Monday called (30 Day Shred Sept 30). You should join up and follow along. I'm a diehard Jillian fan. Her workouts are the best for loosing inches. I lost 40 pounds by doing this DVD 3 times a week and logging faithfully. I've gained a few pounds since July and I'm starting her workouts…
  • I've log faithfully...440 days and counting...my diary is shared with all. Feel free to add me :)
  • 8lbs by 3/15/13...this would put me at a healthy BMI.
  • I am also up 4 lbs...no worries...drink that water!
  • I have been doing the 30 day shred for 6 months now...and love it! I have two little girls (2 and 4) and my goal is to get my workouts in at least 3 times a week. I also don't have a lot of time or money to afford gyms, so I do this in the morning before work or after the girls have gone to bed. 20 minutes...everyone has…
  • Amazing! You look great! I'm inspired :)
  • Jillian Michaels 30 day shred...$10 at Target. You've already got the hand weights. This program has worked wonders for me. I don't have the time or money for any gym.
  • Thanks SeaChele! This whole lifestyle change is hardwork...lol. And yes now looking at the big picture things are moving along as they should. This has been a great post for me. P.S. I want your abs!
  • Lost a pound today...your right...no plateau...just impatient. Slow weight loss is always better. I just need to remind myself of that. Some mornings I just want to see the scale change so I don't get discouraged. Thanks for the advice :)
  • I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as well. Love her! I still get winded with level one, but my endurance is much better. My husband and I tried level 2 and it just about killed me...lol...guess I need to dig deep and get over myself and push through it. Thanks for the advice!
  • Thanks ladies! Just seems to me that I haven't moved since 9/20. I am not a fan of water and generally have to force it. Could be all the salt making me bloat, therefore not changing my weight. I seem to be all over the place with my weight. Some mornings when I weigh I'm 3 lbs heavier, then weigh the following morning and…