crk910 Member


  • I woudnt worry about a single day. However if you are beginning to crave certain foods, you may have a candida overgrowth. If thats the case Id suggest eating some yogurt or take some probiotics to help combat it.
  • haha Was just stating my opinion. You all are entitled to yours! Believe what you like, it doesnt change anything. Because I mentioned something im automatically selling it..... i dont recall linking a website or anything. And not for nothing, im also calorie counting and exercising so no need to jump on the bandwagon…
  • I use Plexus Slim as well. In addition to losing 30 pounds, and 7 inches off my waist which you can see on my facebook page. PM me and ill give you the link. I have also lowered my cholesterol from 195 to 145, and my Triglycerides dropped from 185 to 91. Have picture proof of this as well.
  • I use Plexus Slim, and Accelerator. They help me curb cravings, balance my blood sugar, and cholesterol and lose weight. I dont do anything but that , count calories and Exercise. I know alot of people on here are against using supplements, but I kid you not since being introduced to Plexus, my cholesterol has dropped 50…
  • It is also possible that your not eating enough. If your body feels as if your starving it, it will fight to keep what it has. Keep in mind, if you are doing a hard core excercize program, you need to account for that excercise and make sure your body is properly fed. Think of it as you would a Fire. If you take away the…