Calorie Deficit, but still putting on weight

Hi, my intake of calories is less than what is specified. But still I am putting on weight... Any idea why?


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Not without knowing what your exercise is and what your food diary looks like.

    The most likely thing is that you are misjudging your calories.
  • wishiwerefit
    Just started to excersie last week .I am new to this website. MY bmr is 1,258 calories/day..
    My daily intake fluctuates between 700 to 1390...
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Again, that's not enough info really. If you're not tracking your food, then you are probably taking in more than you think.

    If you just started, you might want to get on track and give it a couple weeks.
  • wishiwerefit
    My daily intake in brief consists of a cup of 2% milk, a peanut butter jelly sandwich, a cup of trop-50 no puil vitamin d, white rice half a cup, lentils, vegetables, a cup of yogurt..I snack on NAture Valley crunchy bars(2/4).I eat put during weekend. I am a vegetarian. I eat pizza,pasta or ethnic food. Sometimes I skip food and sometimes I overeat(I am being honest). I started to develop an eating disorded(I am ashamed of myself ) and thats when I decided to exercise and join myfitnesspal. Now I am on the 4th day of jillian micheals 30 day shred
  • rgrewall
    Relax give it time. The body doesn't adjust right away. Worry about it if you haven't shred the weight in 30 days.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Are you allergic to any of the foods you eat? I used to be a vegetarian & had to start eating meat b/c I'm wheat & dairy intolerant and purely fruits & veggies just weren't enough (I'm now down 100+lbs). Mix up your diet & see what happens.

    Also, get a heart rate monitor and see if you're really pushing yourself. This is really what did it for me. I thought I was exerting myself, but I wasn't as much as I thought which led to a higher calorie burn.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Most likely water, overestimating TDEE or underestimating caloric intake.
  • KiraBg
    KiraBg Posts: 24
    No need to answer, but are you pre your period or during it? I always gain a few pounds around that time... It could be an explanation.
  • crk910
    crk910 Posts: 6 Member
    It is also possible that your not eating enough. If your body feels as if your starving it, it will fight to keep what it has.
    Keep in mind, if you are doing a hard core excercize program, you need to account for that excercise and make sure your body is properly fed.
    Think of it as you would a Fire. If you take away the kindling and the oxygen, the fire will not be able to become an inferno.
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    there's a possibility you may not be eating enough.
  • wishiwerefit
    Hi my BMI fluctuates between 18.8 and 18.1.. I feel I am bulky...
    I am not allergic but yes, my stomach bloats whenever I eat. My bowel movements are irregular as well
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Sodium intake, water weight
  • wishiwerefit
    My TDEE is 1593
  • stephanie1133
    If you are truly in a deficit, you are not gaining FAT. The scale may be reflecting water weight, however. Weight loss doesn't happen in a linear fashion, patience and time are needed.
  • Gilligan11
    Gilligan11 Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats on starting the journey. You might want to consider adding more fruit, vegetables and protein to your diet. You had a lot of carbs in your listing, and often granola bars aren't any better than a chocolate bar. Also, drink lots of water and be kind to yourself! There is nothing to be ashamed of, our strength comes from adversity not our successes!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I did a little digging, and from what I found you are 5'5" and 108 pounds. It sounds like you know that you don't need to lose weight, you need to get healthy. You need the advice of a doctor, and it sounds like you are getting it. Much love to you on your journey to health.
  • wishiwerefit
    What is water weight and how do you get rid of it?Can you guys also check my previous posts? Sorry if I look insecure, but I need your help to come out of this
  • wishiwerefit
    Thank You Sarah, Really brought tears to my eyes.
  • wishiwerefit
    Yes I realized Granola bars are dangerous after I entered it into my food chart. I was shocked when I saw 190 calories ! I am addicted to garnola bars.. I dont like chocolate though
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Also if you jsut started exercsiing and you really hadn't before your muscles are busy repairing and will retain extra water at first. if you don't eat meat you may need to try adding protien powder shakes to your milk to get to a good level of protein with the rest of your diet you may not be getting enough protein to repair and eventually build muscles otherwise.