geekgirl71 Member


  • thank you everyone...I'm gonna get on with it then!
  • I wanted to have mine Laproscopically, but the Dr. told me I couldn't because I had never had children & it would hurt me worse than doing it the incision way. My TOM was all month most of the time with a lot of other issues so it really was the best decision. :embarassed: I forgot another question I had that you brought…
  • No apologies needed whatsoever, I appreciate the input... The best thing about the surgery itself (besides obviously having no more pain), is my doctor was able to cut me low enough he said he didn't have to cut any muscle. So, although I do have an incision scar, I don't have any belly droop other than what I've done to…
  • Thank you all for your responses I really appreciate this community & it's support. I think it differs from a C-section in that I no longer have a uterus to hold my internal organs in, & I didn't get a sling because my doctor said I was young and my core muscles should be strong enough to keep everything held in. Obviously…
  • Started this morning, I know this post is over a month old...maybe your done, but if not I'd love to join.
  • Love Map My Run, just started using the Nike + app, but I've used MMR for over 2 years now & it's never let me down. Wouldn't go on a run without it, even with my new Nike app running too. I like the Nike app, but I've only used it about 4 times and it hasn't logged 2 of those 4 times so I'm sticking with MMR.
  • BSN Syntha 6 - strawberry milkshake....yummy!
  • @Nikkibebe08... WOW...we are the same height, I'm sure I'm quite a bit older, but I started around 150, goal of 120, in my 20's & 30's I weighed 110-115. You are a huge inspiration. What is your fitness routine? I'm just running right now for cardio, when I get about 10 lbs from my goal weight I plan to start adding weight…
  • Started C25K yesterday morning and felt really good afterwards. I'm looking forward to completeing it and am so glad to find this site. I've always walked fast but this is my 1st try at really running for the distance.