mrk1185 Member


  • I use the about programs ( I've been doing the advanced beginner half, but I tweaked the program a bit because I had less time... You may also consider checking the time that the course will be open at the half you are interested in, if you plan to walk half of it…
  • Some folks in my family are flat footed. I have heard that running barefoot or in minimal shoes can actually cause your arch to strengthen and raise... Good luck with whichever route you choose!
  • Statement from Bach's "Art of the Fugue" BWV #1080. I've wanted/been planning on getting it tattooed on my forearm for a few years now...
  • Depends how long the run is and how I feel. If I'm running after breakfast I usually try to give it 45 minutes to an hour. When I do my long runs super early though, I usually have a banana, some peanut butter, and marmite on toast and head out after 20 minutes or so. I would say give yourself more time at first though,…
  • Did an AFA in Music (on Trombone) and an Bachelor of Music in Music Education...
  • I was really inspired by one of my aunts who has been through a lot, and accomplished a lot running. I also wanted to pull myself out of a pretty dark place and get back to a place of confidence... Running helped me do that, but I'm not even close to having met most of my running goals for myself. I also read a ton of…
  • Coming up on summer, so I'll be making fake chorizo and peppers in my crock pot... I adapt this recipe from 2 pounds chorizo sausage, casings removed and crumbled (I use 'Soyrizo' from Stop and Shop) 2 green bell peppers, seeded and…
  • I found a good recipe for a marmite bloody mary, if you're on a "liquid" diet ;)
    in vegemite Comment by mrk1185 April 2013
  • Big marmite fan, here. It's a product made out of left over yeast from brewing, so it's got a rather interesting and strong flavor. Great on buttered bread or as a spread in a sandwich with cheddar (or daiya fake cheddar) cheese. Also a great way for vegetarians to get B12...
    in vegemite Comment by mrk1185 April 2013
  • I don't use Clif bars to replace meals, but I do use them to prepare or recover from a long run. Peanut toffee buzz is my favorite, because it has caffeine in it. It's one of the small bits of caffeine that I still allow myself, really helps to pick me up after a 9 miler :D
  • I'm a music teacher, pre-k through 6th grade.
  • I'm running my first half May 11 (also will be my second race in minimalist shoes, first one being a 10k). I'm a little nervous about it, but I have a friend running with me so I think it'll be fun!
  • Vegan tofu spinach lasagna: Also, chili with morning star farms meal starter instead of beef (double the kidney beans, add some diced tomato and green pepper). Makes for great chili dogs if you use tofu pups...
  • I don't have any before pictures, but I've lost ~50 lbs since July through running and eating. I started in July doing a run/walk program, and eventually graduated to a 5k training program, am now working on a 10k and next a half marathon program. I have been mostly vegetarian for the past couple of years, adding more…