mrk1185 Member


  • Slowing way down if it's a safety thing, where the car is trying to avoid hitting you or something, that's one thing. I see that all the time. I do not see cars turn around and come back to pass me. If I saw that I'd be tempted to change my route so it went past the police station.
  • This is not normal behavior. Runner's World has written really extensively on it, and there are a couple of things I think are worth keeping in mind: -Don't run the same route twice. -Have a phone on you -Run with a buddy -Make sure someone knows your exact route
  • Daiya is a bit of a pain in terms of sodium content. I used to eat one or two slices regularly (in a sandwich) and liked all the sliced varieties. The shredded variety is good too, but I use it so infrequently that it usually goes bad before I finish it so I've stopped buying it for the time being. Daiya also makes a…
  • I love running. I'm actually trying to scale back racing this year to make sure I'm really finding the most joy in it that I can, and not just pushing myself towards goals and deadlines. The races I am planning to do are more for the chance to run in neat locations or otherwise forbidden areas (i.e. Bridge runs.) Feel free…
  • In Li'l Rhody I'd recommend the Amica 5k (usually lines up with the Newport Marathon series) which lets you run along the ocean in Newport. It's a lovely view of the state (the course is a little hilly, and sometimes it's cold because it's in late October).
  • I just ran my first full marathon a couple of weeks ago, and I'm thinking about doing a second one in spring (maybe the Providence one, I've done the half there). I might hold off on doing a lot of races next year, but I'll be upping my training mileage for sure so anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • I bought a Streamlight 61400 from amazon, mostly because it's cheap (I paid $13 USD). I do the bulk of my runs between 3am-8am so I like having it. Has two brightness levels, and for real full on dark I use the stronger of the two, and it's adjustable so I can set the beam about 20 paces ahead of me. I've been using it for…
  • My wife and I are both music teachers, and we split two schools last year (admittedly, much of the time we were not working together, but we did sometimes team teach.) We work really well as a team and planned together, shared strategies, etc. It was a great experience and I think we both benefited from it. It depends what…
  • You should (to some extent) consider buying some stuff in bulk. Almonds make a great mix in for a salad, and you can get a bang for your buck buying the unsalted ones for baking at a place like Sam's or BJ's. Throw in some blackstrap molasses (maybe $4 a bottle, less if you have a place like Job Lot near you) and you can…
  • Runner's World this month had a great article/interview with Junyong Pak. In the cover photo he's dragging a tire while running in a 5k. Definitely worth a read.
  • My grandmother has been telling other relatives that I'm anorexic. The same woman told me I looked chubby on my wedding day (admittedly, I did.) Forget the haters. Do this stuff for yourself.
  • My very favorite lasagna is actually vegan, you can use tofu and seasonings to whip up a filling with the same consistency as ricotta. I've brought it to potlucks before and had none to take home :( But yeah, I'll second most of what else has been said here. Love the Quorn products, quinoa (cooked up with cranberries and…
  • Way to go, man! Good run.
  • It is entirely possible that there are only three types and my memory is making up that mythical fourth one. I've been buying/consuming it for about a year now, so it's hard to keep track of, haha!
  • I've used the sesame seed, cinnamon raisin, the regular one and I'm now trying the low sodium bread. I think I like the cinnamon one the best, but I also like the sesame to mix it up. The others aren't really anything special, but they get the job done. I toast it and then put earth balance and marmite on it as a staple of…
  • ...are you guys under the impression that any of it is food? I've seen custodians unable to get some of the spills off of tables with harsh chemical cleaners, hahaha. I second that though, bring your own food. Kindergarten is awesome, I'm sure that will be a lot of fun! I'm a pre-k through 8 music teacher. I'm also an avid…
    in Teachers? Comment by mrk1185 July 2013
  • I keep my eyes peeled on woot and active gearup for stuff like this. Spent $14 for my 20 oz Ultraspire bottle. The sleeve has a pocket on it that holds my gels, car key, etc. Got my wife's water bottle (which is basically the same thing without the pocket) for $10. For something like a hydration pack I want to go with a…
  • I absolutely second this. I've always spent a lot of time barefoot anyway, but when I made the transition to minimal/barefoot running I did a lot of research including watching tons of videos of barefoot form. Good luck!
  • I find it helps if I spend some time the night before actually walking myself through my workout in my head. If I'm gearing up for a long run I'll visualize the course a couple of times so I'm programmed to go right to it when I wake up. I'll also (as much as possible) get everything ready for the next day in terms of food…
  • I eat a quick snack (banana, apple, almonds, whatever) in passing time between classes, and then do a salad at lunch with some fresh fruit and a hummus/tabouleh wrap. Sometimes I bring leftovers if the school I'm at has a microwave in the teacher's lounge. I would second the recommendations to do crock pot meals for dinner…
  • Distance/Duration first, speed will follow. If you attempt to work on speed too early in a training program you're going to increase the odds of injury (due to mistakes in form, etc.) Also if you've only just started running, I would encourage you to work up to running 30 minutes (at least) without stopping. Then go from…
  • I find a lot of time if I'm getting soreness in my calves I have to check my form. I think about landing mid-foot, bending the knees, and bringing the heel down so the calves can relax at the end of each landing. When the incline is steeper, bend your knees more. I also use these stretches after I run, just to keep…
  • I have a set of Kinivo BTH220s I use. Great battery life, bluetooth connection (so I don't deal with wires anymore) and they're about as comfortable as can be given that I'm sometimes wearing them for upwards of two and a half hours.
  • I've had my vibrams for a few years, but I only started running in them this past December. I guess I adjusted to them easier because I've always preferred no shoes to any shoes, but running in them got rid of my hip pain that I had when I ran in my pumas. As for the OP's question, running in lower profile shoes will give…
  • Summer doesn't start until the end of June for me... But I'm looking forward to a great and very active summer once it does start up! Three races scheduled so far including and some great hiking and camping coming up too, I hope!
    in Summer reset Comment by mrk1185 May 2013
  • I started running almost a year ago when I signed up for MFP, and just today raced my first half marathon! Feel free to add me, I love to see how other people train and I'm excellent at cheering on my friends on here. :D
  • Going on my third cruise this year, absolutely agree with this! I never take the elevators on the ships. Ever. Also, from what I understand some of them have gyms...? Maybe I'll check that out... The nice thing about a cruise is you can generally tailor it to your own wants. I like a lot of down time, so I don't do much…
  • I use Nike+ for my runs, and like it well enough. I've had issue with the distances being off but it allows you to calibrate certain runs to make the distance more accurate to your stride, etc. I ran 15.48 miles this past Sunday, checked the distance against google maps and "Map My Run" and it was dead on. What I really…