Do you run when you have a cold?

I have a minor cold but enough to be completely annoying. I wake up feeling terrible with drainage in throat and nasal passages. I like to run in the morning but almost impossible with how I first feel in the morning. I thought I would rest to get over it quickly but it seems to be lingering.

What do you do when you have issues with a cold or drainage? Keep running?


  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    If it's a head cold, running is fine.
    If it's below the neck, don't run.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Usually, I do.
  • marthacandothis
    marthacandothis Posts: 2 Member
    If the cold is in my head, then I'll keep running, being careful not to overdo it. Once it's dropped into my chest, though, I'll take some time off to recover.
  • mrk1185
    mrk1185 Posts: 44 Member
    If it's a head cold, running is fine.
    If it's below the neck, don't run.

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    This varies from person to person, and always listen to your body and don't over-exert yourself when you're feeling sick, but I find that when I am congested/stuffy nose, going for a run can clear out my nose and airway. If I run when I have a cold, I run slower, for shorter distances, and drink extra water for the rest of the day. I'll also have a larger snack after I run so that I don't feel as run down.

    I ran a marathon in January of this year, and living in NY, a good portion of my training runs towards the end of training were in the evenings after work when it was already dark, it was COLD (but I enjoy cold weather running), and even when I was feeling a cold come on, I'd still get my training runs in. Make sure, especially as it gets cold out, that after your run, you get out of your sweaty running clothes and into normal clothes after a shower. If I'd sit around drinking chocolate milk and eating pretzels in my kitchen after a run before at least peeling off my outer jacket layer, I'd begin to shiver all over within a few minutes.

    Good luck and feel better!
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    If I feel crappy, I stay in. If the illness is mostly gone and there's just some residual drainage, I'll run.

    Usually my runs let me know I'm about to get sick before any other symptoms arise, because I'll feel lightheaded after a mile or so for no apparent reason. I'm not going to run under those circumstances.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Head cold, yes. Chest cold, not even if you gave me $1, 000. I went running as I was getting over a chest cold (cough, chest congestion and I had a fever the first day or so). I went because my fever was gone and I started feeling a little better. Ended up with pneumonia. Missed 4 weeks of training in the 12 week cycle before my 2nd half. I won't do that ever again.
  • corridor7f
    I do, but I cut my time / mileage in half and take it very easy. I have EIR / EIA, so my breathing is a challenge even when I'm healthy.