Tiddy305 Member


  • Go to youtube and look for Running Music, Jogging music, comes up with different years too, ie 2015. Download onto a usb and play it on your tele or laptop, or your phone.
  • Well done! Find a comfortable speed and vary your routes. Have routes that offer different landscapes and gradients.Make up your mind if you want a 20 minute hard slog or a 40 minute easy run. Increase your distance gradually, enjoy it though! When I was training sometimes a friend came along with me on a pushbike, that…
  • OK, I think Ive got it. Been on this for 3 days now, and other diets for years, some with success. Basically my allowance is 1200 calories a day, I'm wall and floor tiling for about 9 hours a day, which burns approx 1800 calories. I'm eating and drinking on average 1500 calories a day, which at the moment is ok for me. I…