

  • i go to zumba once a week which is good fun and pilates once a week to, you feel your body toning after class one of pilates!
  • I’m exactly the same to you!!! I stopped eating and lost weight when I was unhappy, then I met someone knew, and I moved on and became happy again so I let myself go.. ate whatever I wanted and stopped caring, to many nights in with junk food! And I just ate whatever butt now I’ve just noticed how much weight I’ve gained…
  • i can't seem to gain controll ove rmy eating again!! i don't know what to do, or what to eat.. helppp:( soo upset:(
  • Thank you! I don't know how to make it visible, and to be honest i haven't been using it properlly i've just been adding up calories as and when i want to know but i know i should start that i'm really upset i don't know what to do? i've stopped binging now although it's really hard and i can't seem to loose weight and i…
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