HELP i've put on alot of weight very quickly!!


I went through a difficult breakup and stopped eating, then after i got over my difficult patch and i started eating i started binging and i just couldn't stop. I've gone from 7stone 10lbs to 8 stone 7lbs in about a month! this is the most i've ever weighed ans i am so unhappy with it it's really getting me down and i've noticed a significant change in my body shape to, pleeeease help, i'm trying really hard to loose weight i wanna get down to 7 stone 10lbs again or lower
i'm female and my height is 5'2
please help me!:(

Thanks guys Dani xx


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Welcome Dani.

    5'2" and working out 3x a week you should be shooting for about 1600cals daily.
    Youll lose the weight at a steady pace and get the nutrients you need.
    Good luck!
  • cindergirl73
    Just get right back on track today. We all have setbacks....I recently gained about 10 lbs. in a couple months time after losing 50 lbs. But I am happy to say I am back on track and have lost over 2 pounds already this week. You can get this under control. :)
  • Dani342
    Dani342 Posts: 9
    i can't seem to gain controll ove rmy eating again!! i don't know what to do, or what to eat.. helppp:( soo upset:(