

  • I know how you feel, my husband and I have been trying for two years. This past cycle they put me through an HSG...clomid...progesterone...ultrasound...shot to make me ovulate...and IUI. This morning the tww was over and a BFN. I have been teary all day and can't really talk to anyone because we haven't told anyone that we…
  • Down 2 pounds 218 from 220... Woohoo!
  • I totally know how you feel...I have co workers (I don't see her on a daily basis thank goodness) that purposely throws her pregnancy in my face. My mother in law doesn't understand either. So yeah it is super tough that is why we have to be there and positive and a sounding board for each other.
  • I go to the track at least for mornings a week to walk 3 miles so the outside part won't be hard it will be doing another activity besides walking for an hour. Today is yard me luck :)
  • Hello...I start back to school (with students) on aug. 27. I am a exile needs preschool Teacher and it would be nice to have lost 10 lbs when I start back with them. Good luck to everyone!
  • I am in this situation gyno tried clomid with me for five months no luck been TTC for 2 years now. Am trying to lose about as much as you are and I just started last week. Good luck... I know how hard it is and discouraging at times.
  • My gyno had me on clomid for five consecutive months. She told me that my charts (basal temp) were beautiful and she wasn't sure why I wasn't pregnant. They did a full lab workup on me in the beginning and wanted to do the ultra sounds but my insurance wouldn't cover them. The worst side effects I had were the hot flashes…