sweetpea1076 Member


  • Thanks guys. I'm 55 years old, 5'2 and weigh 170lb. I was only doing 200 calories a day but have recently upped that to 500. My calories are burned doing my Zumba fitness DVD and going on my exercise bike. I'm not wearing a heart monitor, but am going by the exercise list on MFP. I've been back on MFP for 3 weeks and upped…
  • I've lost 40lbs too but in the last couple of weeks I seem to have hit a wall and put 2 lb back on. I lost it again but I've just weighed myself and have put half a pound back on. What with Christmas coming up I don't expect to lose it, in fact I'll probably gain a few pounds. I don't intend going without over the…
  • Congratulations! You are a true hero! Why don't you do what I do, sit in front of the TV watching my programmes whilst on my exercise bike. I don't have to find time for this and it's amazing how quickly your length of time increases, and therefore your fitness levels. When I started I could only do 4 minutes, now I…
  • So glad you've just posted this, I've spent the whole morning online trying to find out what size I am and am left even more confused than I was before! Have come to the conclusion that I will have to go to Marks and Spencers or Debenhams and be measured and then try some on! At the moment the bras I am wearing have…
  • Hi, hope you don't mind but I've been looking at your pictorial blog of meals and I am curious as to how many calories you have to consume each day! Thanks!
  • Well said! Although I need to lose 4 stone (well, only just over 3 now!) I would not say I am actually on a diet, I have just changed my eating and exercise habits. It's all about being healthy. I decided that I would cut out chocolate altogether because although I could allow myself a small amount of chocolate each day I…
  • Well done, big pat on your back! :happy:
  • I wanted to do some exercise but don't have much time in my day, and I'm lazy so there's no way I'm gonna get up any earlier! So I've got myself an exercise bike. What I do is sit and ride it for 15 minutes each morning whilst I'm watching Breakfast TV, so I'm not actually changing my schedule at all and still getting 1…