I need help!

Hello! I've recently lost 40 pounds! But that was when I was actually on a diet plan with someone. I've gain 5 pounds back, and I'm still nowhere near my weight lost goal! I'm still in high school (last year!) And really want to lose the next 40 pounds before I head off to college. I need to find confidence mentally and physically, but I need help with staying on track. May some of you please add me? Feeling like I'm the only one needing to lose weight has gotten me nowhere. Please add me! Thank you!


  • manarjb
    I need help too :)! I'll add you!
  • Kylie0731
    Kylie0731 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey there. Your definitely not the only one struggling. I'd love to help give you support on your journey!
  • sweetpea1076
    sweetpea1076 Posts: 10 Member
    I've lost 40lbs too but in the last couple of weeks I seem to have hit a wall and put 2 lb back on. I lost it again but I've just weighed myself and have put half a pound back on. What with Christmas coming up I don't expect to lose it, in fact I'll probably gain a few pounds. I don't intend going without over the Christmas period! I'm not gonna cry buckets over it though - even if I put 5 or 6 lb back on I will still think of the overall weight loss I've achieved. The trouble is, it's not just 2 days of feasting - already I've had a Christmas meal at work, then I've taken the service users out for a meal and we've had our works do so it's not been easy to follow the 1200 calories. The way I think about it though is, I've lost this much so I can and WILL lose some more. I will add you as a friend if that's ok and we can keep encouraging each other. One thing I have learned though is that you have to exercise, so I've got myself an exercise bike and I do 25 minutes on it most mornings whilst watching breakfast TV. That burns off 200 calories, which I try not to use if I can help it. I've also got a Zumba DVD which is only 17 minutes long but it burns off 185 calories. You've done incredibly well and you WILL lose more so please don't beat yourself up over it, and don't worry too much about sticking rigidly to your diet over Christmas, life's too short! We can always start again properly in the new year!
  • Quantumanthem
    Feel free to add me!! :)

    Maddy xx