

  • My dietician said that you should maintain consistency each day. Eating just 1200 calories when you are exercising will starve your body and slow your metabolism. Then by shooting up much higher on the weekends, your body will store the extra calories (and sodium) and you will not like what the scale says for a few days…
  • Make sure you have enough fuel in your body before you begin your workout. It is important to have at least some carbohydrates and protein from food or drink if you are working out (even just a fruit juice or protein shake) and then electrolytes to replenish your body after. Maybe try a Gatorade (cut it with some water so…
  • I agree with the above comment- more protein for breakfast and lunch. I see too many carbs and fats at the end of the day. Breakfast should be your biggest meal, then lunch, then dinner your smallest with the least calories from sugar and carbs late at night. I know this can be hard to do when you have a sweet-tooth (I…
  • I like, "If it's man made, it's not made for man!" -Jack Lalanne
  • I also had my gallbladder removed (when I was 17) and it is very hard for me to lose weight as well. Not sure if they are correlated, or if there are any medical studies out there to prove or disprove- but I am in the same boat if it makes you feel any better.
  • First, let me start by saying that kettlebells are awesome. They will kick your butt in a way that regular weights won't (although each have their time and place). Kettlebells are a very specialized form of training that take time and coaching to develop the proper work out. Because of this I wouldn't recommend you to try…