Gained 4kg. :(
I had a huge problem with this before but now I have a strategy that works every time. I put white vinegar in the prewash compartment, a little regular soap powder in the detergent part, and no fabric softener. Wash at 30C synthetics cycle and air dry. Works like a charm.
Have you tried band assisted push ups? My trainer had me do these and I went from 0 to 10 full push ups in about 2 months. Tie a resistance band to a pull up bar. Start with the band around your upper chest. Once you can do 10 there, move on to having the band around your waist. Once you get 10 there, change to a lighter…
Did someone actually say it was "their" bike? That's ridiculous!
Add me! Lifting is awesome.
Look up "Strong Curves".
I felt the same way when I started. Just keep going and it will get better. You realise that no one is really that interested in other people, mostly just spacing out between sets.
Deadlift is life! Will send you a request.
This is pure chemophobia/appeal to nature fallacy.
Crisps for me too! I can't have crisps in the house, they are just too delicious. I also love Mackie's crisps. The trick for me is living in a different country although I have been known to fill half a suitcase with them.
You can add me.
Coconut oil doesn't have magical properties but it does have a lot of calories. If you are adding a tbsp of fat to your diet to help you lose weight, my advice would be to stop doing that.
I think it is complete BS!
I feel like I am one or two pieces of gear away from needing to take my bag on to the floor. Sometimes I go back and forth to my locker to avoid carrying everything at once. For example, doing my resistance band stuff first, then putting the bands back and collecting my chalk for deadlifts. It's not ideal but saves taking…
The Panache Sport is amazing!
Nike Free Cross Compete I use these for lifting and cardio. They are super lightweight with a flat sole. Love them.
Set some goals, follow a program, track your progress. I find it hard sometimes not to compare myself to others, but it really doesn't matter what other people can do. I promise that if you set some goals and start working towards them today, you will not regret it. I track my workouts in a notebook and it is really…
It's hard work isn't it @jenndenise but we'll get there one day! :smiley:
Great results @DDHFree ! Keep it up! :smiley:
Hehe. He did make a bit of noise during deadlifts but I'm down with that. Not such a fan of the lip-smacking PDAs. :smile:
Couple loudly kissing on the gym floor. Several times throughout their session. Is this ridiculous or is it just me?
I have been tracking my exercise calories with HRM for a year. Both for cardio and lifting. It is working for me.
I couldn't do any push ups when I started and I still can't do a pull up. I started doing Stronglifts with preweighted barbells because I couldn't use the standard bar. I started benching at 15kg and OHP with 6kg dumbbells. It's hard getting started, but once you start to see the results it will get easier to continue. If…
I can do about 15. I went for 0 to 10 after about 3 months of training. I did band assisted push ups which is a great way to train for them if you have the equipment, i.e. a resistance band and a bar to hang it on. Currently working towards a pull up by doing band assisted and negatives. It's taking a long time but I have…
There's no need to start with machines. That's a bad trainer. If you are comfortable asking strangers for advice then that might be a better way to go. Just because someone is a trainer, doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. Especially when it comes to women and strength training. Youtube is a great place to…
:lol: Oh my!
I do strict press. Progress is painfully slow but every tiny increase or extra rep is a massive victory. I have been at this for over 6 months and can only press 25kg but it took me so long to be able to press the empty bar that I am actually thrilled with that.
Went do a different gym and there was this couple there. The guy couldn't squat or bench with proper form (half-reps) but that didn't stop him "teaching" his girlfriend. On the bench, after he took a set of half-reps, he put her on and "spotted" her by holding the bar the entire time. It was kind of funny to watch. Also,…
Probably about 5 or 6 times over the course of a decade. This time, I have decided that I am going to keep logging forever. I'm not on a diet. I don't deny myself birthday cake or treats on holiday. I just log it all and accept that if I go over my allowance, I'm not going to lose weight and it will take me longer to get…