

  • Yes, I too wondered how many calories the half of a cheese stick I sampled at costco had in it... What I buy at Costco: Natures Path Organic Flax Plus Waffles (I liked the ingrediants better than the Kashi ones - very tasty- also Flax they say is great for breast health...) Organic Spring Greens Garden Salad mix Mushroom…
  • Both my husband and I did the colon/Liver cleanse over 2 weeks and it worked great! There was no huge explosions but you are taking in more fiber and the laxative is a natural one and of course you have lots of fiber going in so lots will go out but I didn't have excess gas or anything. Prior to the cleanse I couldn't eat…
  • I did the same thing in the first couple of weeks, I had to change my diet a bit and eat smaller snack sized portions throughout the day. Also, even though I wasn't losing any, but putting on a little, I was looking thinner in the mirror and given that muscle weighs more than fat, even if your fat is disappearing if you…
  • I wouldn't be willing to take any medication that has potential side effects. Chances are high that down the line, they might find that it causes colon or bladder cancer and to me, if you have to diet along with it, what good is it doing and is that worth the possible problems down the line? When, the chances are pretty…
  • Such a funny thread. I was just telling my husband last night how terrible last weekend was too! I made homemade sourdough bread so of course had to make French Toast in the morning for breakfast instead of my usual lighter fare...and I didn't exceed my calories by a lot but I gained a couple of pounds over the weekend. I…
  • I hear ya...I weigh myself every day (yes, I know probably not a good idea), but I have not lost anything in days! And I've been working out every day and for the past 3 days even riding my horse in addition to the other workout and still nothing. Some days I don't quite take in the full amount of calories but I'm trying…
  • Join the club...I just had to make homemade hamburgers last night and some organic french fries & of course to wash that down...a couple of beers!!! Argh...gained a half a pound... but today is a new day and we are all going to go up and down and learn from our mistakes...no one is perfect and eventually we will all meet…
  • I totally agree with the walking. I wasn't particularly into exercise either so when I started this diet a couple of weeks ago, I figured I would simply walk around outside for 30 minutes and after a few days I found I could walk at a little brisker pace than when I started and it felt good as well. Cleaning, even dancing…
  • We eat out maybe once for dinner every 2-3 weeks. Sometimes I will pick up a roast chicken during the week and cook mashed potatoes and veggies and/or salad on the side, so that is sort of eating out. I'm a huge Organic fan and have issues even drinking public water w/the high chlorine count (known to scar arteries) and…