I am really in a bad mood today.. I gained on my weigh day today.. been excersiing like crazee and serioulsy limiting my calories and am worried because i never meet my calorie goals.. i am just havin a BAD day and wanted to post this for any1 else in the same position.. Vent away!!!


    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I am really in a bad mood today.. I gained on my weigh day today.. been excersiing like crazee and serioulsy limiting my calories and am worried because i never meet my calorie goals.. i am just havin a BAD day and wanted to post this for any1 else in the same position.. Vent away!!!
    MIDGEKIN Posts: 113
    LOL everypne needs a good vent every now and then! I would say the top two reason for gaining the weight is : 1. if you are not eating all the cals you should and working out like crazy, your body may have gone into starvation mode wich is bad!! Try adding an apple or other healthy snack to your daily intake. 2. Your could ahve gained muscle! Which is good cause muscle burns more fat! Try taking your measurements I'll bet you've lost inches!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    YES I am with Midge on that, try not to forget that muscle weighs more then fat. So for each pound of fat you lose you could be gaining a pound of muscle.
    Also not everyone loses weight as fast as other people.
    IE like the Purple Team on Biggest loser, They are working their butts off. (Well at least it looks like it.) for 6 to 7 hours a day and they are only pulling 1 to 3 pounds a week, when others pull SO MUCH MORE! :ohwell:
    When your body starts to equal out THEN you WILL see the pounds drop and keep dropping! :happy:
    Muscle has to munch through the fat first before it can start helping you with weight loss.
    Then you will be doing the, as I call it, Happy Dance! :bigsmile:
    I know it is not easy, but keep it up dear, it sounds like you are on the right track.
  • williamsknollfarm
    I hear ya...I weigh myself every day (yes, I know probably not a good idea), but I have not lost anything in days! And I've been working out every day and for the past 3 days even riding my horse in addition to the other workout and still nothing. Some days I don't quite take in the full amount of calories but I'm trying to make myself at least eat 3 meals + my coffee/milk/sugar for breakfast to see if maybe that starvation mode is what is happening.

    I have noticed though that I look thinner to myself now in the mirror and some of my older jeans are starting to fit me again so I know I must be doing some good even if I can't get off this darned plateau that I seem to be stuck on. I guess we learn to equate losing the weight to being successful in the diet and I know even though I think I look better to me it still makes me upset when I see I've put on a half pound from the day before...

    So, I keep plugging away...of course with fresh sourdough bread baking in the oven as I type, I'm not sure how I will stick to my calories today :laugh: Maybe an extra stint on the elliptical...

    Keep going, it has to come off sooner or later, right?