

  • We split the cooking. I do all of the grilling and some of the sautéed items, she covers sides or makes a 1 dish meal. We shop separately because I am particular about meat selection.
  • Just an update: I sent her an apologetic and encouraging email the other night so it would be the first thing she read in the morning. She was already in bed by the time I had figured out my angle of approach. I was also big on reaffirming my feelings for her. We ended up having a good chat, she shared her personal…
  • Also, just uploaded a couple of pre-weightloss pictures at various weights. I don't change much between 270-290. The one that is my primary is with my neice.
  • Short on time but thanks for all of the support. You guys are great.
  • I'm not forcing it on her, I just want her tone supportive not demotivational. As for the not fussing and pushing, I don't. It's her complaining and objecting that I was seeking guidance on.
  • As I see it: if I stayed faithful to her while working as a bouncer in a huge club for 5 yards and god knows I had women throw themselves at me... I am going to be just as faithful if I'm thinner.
  • Thanks for all of the support and kind words. To billsiac, we are archers and hand gun folks, I don't see the stabbing as an issue. On the topic of the diet pill, I did take them but they actually made me hungry. Interesting fact, she has been "fit" before, my target goal is my weight in 7th grade if that gives you…
  • I told her when we got married how hard it was looking as good as I do every day. I was being obnoxious of course. And the rest of the comments are accurate, I have a good job and I am an elected official in our city; but I couldn't be more dedicated to her.
  • My physician and dietician both set my caloric intake below my bmr
  • When I hit any sort of plateau I have a day or meal where I eat what I like for1-2 meals. Usually a basket of wings and fried jalapeños or a big country breakfast will fill the bill. I also do this on Saturdays and have a few light beers at the pool. The result is usually a lot of water weight which makes me: A, make me…
  • Thanks, and great job!
  • Here's one: does increased protein make your breath stink? I. Ona high protein plan from the doc and while I can't quantify myself I have noticed that since my. Wife got. On oars hear breath has been wicked. I see her brushing her teeth and she has gone to the dentist but for a person with no sense of smell (me) I notice…
  • I already walk 3-4 books/day whether I drive to work or take the bus. The one thing I refuse to do is climb4 flights of stairs every time I come in the building. Even if I say yes, the knees sy NO!
  • I agree with all of you. I met with a fitness person and I ask because she wanted me to get 300 mins per week and I explained that I probably het that much per week working in the yard so she asked for 150 of formal and the balance in the yard. I see it as harder than a formal regiment because I lift heavy materials and…
  • My personal hell is that someone brings in Ruth lunch or breakfast to my office every single day. It's bad enough that my favorite restaurant doesn't serve a single healthy thing but when it's brought to you it's a much bigger challenge.
  • Let's be clear, I haven't caught her. With me... She calls me the "one man band" because of all of the noises I make between the gas, smokers cough, arthritis, allergies, and general crudeness. The amusing part is my job calls for complete professionalism and hers is like a mad house full of swearing. I wear a suit to…
  • I could list a Bunch of stories... I thought of 5 or six just typing this but must were to the embarrassment of the other party. I'll go with a girl farting on me while she drove or another that didn't make the connection between her gag reflex and drinking too much wine.
  • I have been with my wife for 5 years and I have yet to prove that she farts or poops. I jokingly call her the s**t ninja because she leaves no evidence. I know she does it based on the pure knock down power of the rest of her family, I just don't know when.
  • I find that it gets easier with time but there are days though that I get a craving to go crush a pizza or eat something disgustingly loaded with carbs. I generally just stre at a protein bar, consume, and move on.
  • First, I am glad to hear about others with their ghost poops, gas, and various other issues. This may have been covered but I'll take a shot: Am I the only one that will stop their morning routine, undress, and weigh again if I take a really healthy poop while getting ready? Actually shed 2.5 lbs that way, but nowhere near…