

  • I feel like I can't have just 5 cookies.... I eat the whole package, does anyone else find that they have to avoid these foods completely. I don't think I'm capable of moderation with certain foods!
  • I'm starting today as well, had a very bad 3 days of binging. It feels like no one else struggles with food like I do,,, but, this group is a great way to reach out and see others also have binging trouble! So glad I have my pals! I hope for health and happiness for all of us!
  • Great ideas! I try the brushing teeth after dinner, hot tea, playing words with friends, playing on MFP. ...
  • T:smile: hose sound like great challenges! Lets do it my pals!!
  • I just started so its only been 1 day so far without binging. 4 me that's a great start, because I was binging every night. I suspect this was due to mindless TV eating, depression, boredom, and that voice in my head that always says I can "start" tomorrow... so I better eat everything tonight... this became an every night…
  • I struggle with healthy eating, its hard for "normal" eaters to understand. This will be great for all of us to make better habits! We can rule our lives ... not food! Cheers, add me!
  • SW: 145 GW: 125 20 lbs to lose!!! I'm super excited for all of us to reach our goals and feel great for it. There will be tough days and obstacles... but, we can do this! Cheers, feel free to add me pals!! :drinker:
  • I've never been overweight however I believe control has a lot to do with where I am now. I was cheated on in high school which led to an unhealthy relationship with food (trying to control something). Once Pandora's box was open it hasn't stopped. But rather than too little nutrition, I eat large amounts after class, work…