

  • I would try to go with items that don't have added sugars, fruits as other have suggested help me. Try berries, plums peaches, those that are the sweetest. If that is still not hitting the spot, try adding a bit of truvia (a natural sweetener made from the stevia plant) If all else fails, just limit the portion and enjoy a…
  • I can't run, and I struggle doing 30 minutes.. I am working on increasing my endurance, I can't imagine doing an hour. Mad respect for those of you that can.
  • Weekends are my WORST enemy.. I can be very disciplined over the week, but feel I a defeating the goals on the weekends, I think I need to have "small" indugences during the week to make it through the weekends. It does not help that my roommate eats anything and or everything,,,
  • My Meal was Mc Donald's Double Quarter Pounder w/cheese Super Sized Fries 2 Double Cheese Burgers Large diet (To balance it? Denial at it's best) Total Calories: 2224 Total Fat : 120g Saturated Fat: 45g Sodium: 4023 mg Total Carbs: 185g This was at least 3-4 times weekly sometimes even twice a day. Since I started using…
  • New here too :) I really like this site, and have suggested to a few friends. I am just sick of being over weight, and looking to get healthier and get off or reduce my need for my diabteic medications.