weekend help? favorite snacks?

what snacks do you carry around or always have?

also, weekends are difficult bc its the time when i want to be the laziest..what keeps you focused on weekends? or what tricks do you have to sway too much freedom?


  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Snacks - yogurt, bananas, oranges, walnuts, sliced veggies....but often lured in by baked goods instead sadly. Weekends are tough b/c we are out all the time or sleep in late. Haven't gotten those under control yet.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    For snacks, I always have bananas, apples, unsalted nuts, peanut butter etc. on hand. You could also try yogurt(Greek or regular) or cheese sticks.

    I don't have huge problems with weekends, but my schedule is weird- I work weekends and am off work during the week. Someone else would be more helpful here :)
  • stephyj528
    stephyj528 Posts: 93 Member
    For snacks, I always have bananas, apples, unsalted nuts, peanut butter etc. on hand. You could also try yogurt(Greek or regular) or cheese sticks.

    I don't have huge problems with weekends, but my schedule is weird- I work weekends and am off work during the week. Someone else would be more helpful here :)

    FORGOT TO MENTION...i cant have dairy so yogart and cheese are out :/ sorry
  • libragirl923
    Weekends are my WORST enemy.. I can be very disciplined over the week, but feel I a defeating the goals on the weekends, I think I need to have "small" indugences during the week to make it through the weekends. It does not help that my roommate eats anything and or everything,,,
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Fruit and peanuts are my favorite snacks to have on hand.

    Weekends are kinda tough; so far I haven't slipped too bad on weekends (I seem more likely to slip during the work week, maybe because I'm more stressed and less rested, not sure). So far, I've been staying on track by logging every single bite of anything and planning ahead. Maybe one day I won't feel the need to log everything but for now, the accountability has really helped me so much.

    If I'm going out to eat or somewhere it will be tempting to over-indulge, I've been trying to 'save' up some calories for it. That has come back to bite me in the end if I'm too hungry cause then I'll want to overeat, so about an hour before, I'll eat something semi-filling and low-calorie like an apple. Kills some of the hunger pains but leaves me room to enjoy my meal or snacks or whatever.

    I've discovered that if I don't eat breakfast, I'm off track all day, so I make sure I have stuff on hand and that I eat within an hour or so of getting up. The old me would get up on weekends, lounge around drinking cup after cup of coffee laced with tons of flavored cream and sometimes not eat for hours. By the time I did eat, I would feel sick I was so hungry and then it was eat everything is sight.
  • str1ne
    str1ne Posts: 69 Member
    Low fat popcorn like Jolly Time or Redenbacher. Spray with butter or Olive Oil flavored cooking spray, then sprinkle with seasoned salt. Tastes just like movie theater popcorn.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I have fruit, nuts, granola bars, cheese sticks, yogurt, veggies for snacks. On the weekends, I make sure I exercise at least one day of the weekend- and sometimes even more than weekdays if I know we're going out to eat. I also plan well ahead if we have plans to go out at all. I try to not treat the weekends any different that weekdays. My activities might be different, but my food doesn't vary much. I haven't had issues with my weekends.